1941-03-04562 VILLAGE OF MOUND ~,,~INUTES OF THE REGULAR ~/EETING, OF THE ~,,,OUSTD VILLAGE COUNCIL ~q~ULD ?s,r~h 4th, 1941. Responding to roll-call were ~ayor J. C. Krause, Trustees F. F. ~inkel, C. R. Ferrall, and Evan Jones, with Alwin as Clerk-Recorder. The minutes of the previous meetings having been read end approved and it being reported that the Streater lot~ affected by the Fernslde Avenue main extension were not quite cleared, on the books of the County Auditor to negotiate the main improvement petitioned for at the previous meeting, the council agreed to postpone action on the ?ernside Avenue Main extension until the next regular meeting of the council' on April 1st, 1941. Read before the council at this time was the complete form of the contract drawn up for Chris Jensen of Winona on the basis of his low bid of $13,844.O0 presented on Feb. 17th and accepted on Feb. 24th. %~ith the single change of definitely specifying the Wsterous Hydrant to be used throughout the new main extensions, the contract was aooroved by the council and authorized to be sent to Jensen for aooroval and signature. On motion by Trustee Ferrall, Alwin sunoorting,.~alter T. ~adsen w~s aooointed engineer and inspector for the new w~ter main i~prove- merits on the basis of $15.00 s day. As a date to consummate and to accept the above conlrac%, Trustee Jones moved that a meeting be ~rr~nged for the council towsrd that end on ~ond~y March lOth, 1941, at 7:30 P. ~., snd that the con- tractor be notified to that effect. After a presentation or.pros and cons in the mstter, T~ustee Ferrall moved that the village add the "On ~ale" feature to it~ pre~ent ~unie~'~al Li~!uor Otore. Trustee '~inkel s~pporting this mo,!on, the roll-czll vote stood as follows: Yeas, ~. ~. ?errall and ~. ~. ~Inkel. ~ays, ~van ~ones and LeRo~ ~lwin. ~ayor Krause voted yes, sn~ so the motion was carried. ,~ayor ~%rause presented for aooroval, the following one ~,e~r.. appointees to ~he ~ound Villsge Park Committee: Irwin ~alakousky uh~-irman ?'rs. C. ~. Ferrall ~rs. Jacob ~ohl ~.?rs. G. R. Clark ,~r. John .~cPhee. .%!wln moved that the above committee be aooroved by the council. Trustee Ferrall seconding, the motion w~s carried. ~'ollowing a discussion of the police situation, Trustee Jones moved that Constable George ~. Cole be rein~t~ted ~s Village Police on the basis of $100.00 per month, this sum to include a charge for the use of h~s car. This motion was seconded by Alwln ~nd, on roll-call, the vote stood as follows: Yeas, Jones, ~inkel, and Alwin. Nays, C. R. Ferrall. And so Geo. R. Cole was reinstated ~ Village Bollce. The following bills were approved and ordered to be paid: VILLAGE OF MOUND · 563 State ~k of ~found, St. Bk. Of ~d. Int on Ponds... '~artin Dres~el ~T, Deot ......... J. H. ~tatts, :V~ter Dept ....... C. E. Neumann, Liq ~tre ........ ~treater Lbr. Co. rent ......... ~,Vesley Hospital, ~ngltsh oa~e.. ~.~. N. Johnson, Treas. sal ...... Geo. Hastings , sand ........... Dr. J. P..~ilkins, Health rpt.. '~lnnetrista Township, wood ..... ~nsater Lbr. Co rlf fuel ...... ~treater lbr. Co. Park material ~ound Grocery Co. rlf groc ..... Interstate Power Co. ~tr. lite. ~'lnnetonka Pilot, Pub. & print. '~tka ~otor Exoress, exoress .... Wd. Hdw. Co. ~t=cel ............ C~ox ~'ros. water ms. ins .......... gtreater Lbr. Co. labor ~. ~... Eden Prairie ~ev. Co ........... ?.~tka ~ev. Co. beer ............. Distillers Dlstrib. Corp ....... Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. IiQ .... Bond & Int..$3,060.00. ~t. Bk. ~d. Iht ..... ~10©.00 380.00.~arl Conlow, s~ndlng.. 1.80 9.9o.J.H. ~tatts, ~tr. Deot 65.42 34.58.LeRoy V. Alwin Recorder 50.00 25.00.R.d. Huff, ~ngr. sal 100.00 25.O0.J.C. Stein, Police... 100.00 I47.85.Padger ~eter ~nfg. Co. 15.20 12.50.LeRoy V. Alwtn Tele... 5.20 8.55.R.H. ~urplus Comm .... 21.82 34.25.Watertown Tele. Co .... 19.95 3.00.~treater Lbr. Co ...... 1.86 12.00.~ke O'Yeil, dinners... 2.60 12.~9.Pure Oil Co. rlf kero. 2.60 3.05.Interstate Power Co... 32.10 142.41.Interstate Power Co... 3.86 71.55.~tk~ Pilot, Pub.& Print 20.50 1.!O.J.P. Reed Agcy. Ins.. 90.24 .66.~d. Hdw. Co. ~. deot.. 1.40 189.75.~hre~sburv Rros.m~fn.. 40.00 15.80.Pabst S~les. Li~ ...... 31.18 10.36.~t. ~k. of ~d. Huff bd. 5.00 5.70.Frank McCormick. Inc... 60.60 235.03.~riggs, Coooer & Co .... 158.85 542.65.~I1 Recorder, post~ge.. 7.00 There being no further business, the meeting stood adjourned until ~ednesday, ~ar. 5th, when it was to reconvene to he~r an informal, and unofficial report on an audit of the village books by the State Public Examiners. Attest .................. .- 564 VILLAGE OF MOUND ?~INUTES OF THE ~ETIWG OF THE ~[OL~[D VIL!~GE CO[~[CIL ~DJO[~NED FRO~,~ THE REGI~R ~{EETING OF ~?ARCH 4th, Ig&l, to ~Vednesda?, ~arch 5th. The murpose of this meeting was in response to a courtesy invitation by the Auditors of the State Public ~xamlners to m~mbers of the '~ound Village Council to listen to an unofficial review on their findings of the village books and to receive such criticism recommendatlon~ ss the circumstances reouired. ReDresentlng the crate Ofelce of Public Exsmtner~ were ~,~r. C. O. ~¥oll and ~r. Thomson. Pre~ent of the council were ~ayor J. C. Krsuse, Trustees P. W. ~Vlnkel, C. R. ~errall, ~ ~ van Jones, ~n~ l, eRoy .~lwln. Present al~o was Village Treasurer ,~. ~. Johnson. The gist of the review was that ore~ent village methods were too scattered ~nd makeshift, that the whole ~y~tem lacked co-ordination ~which could be attained only by establishing s central point of contact and control, i. e o, ~ properly eoulpt executive off'Ice on the rosin street of the village open at certain definite hours to do the village business. The auditors ~.lso urge.d s more thorough- going system of accounts so that the council would have ~vsil~ble st all t~mes varied and vital informstion on village finances, which the present s~stem lacks. ?he a~ditor~ sl~o reviewed ~he local tax levies aud showed how, by levying for s number of d~fi~ite ~nd spec- ific ourooses, heretofore unprovided for or overlooked, ~he village could sooreciably increase its so~-ropri~tion for oDer-s, in? expense without exceeding the mi~.]~ rate orescribed Wol].owln~ the above review, Trustee C. R. Ferrall presented for resdln~.~ b? the clerk his resignation from the ~[ound Village Council, the ssme to t~ke effect st the conclusion of the next Reguler '~eetinG of the Council on April 1st, ~941. Trustee Ferrs!l presented h~ re~Ign~tlon ~t this time so that the co~nciI might h~ve smoIe time to ~elect his successor. Following ~l~cz~s~ion .... of the oending., contract ~w.0. rded o~ ~,V~ t..r- ~ m~in extensions, Trustee Jones moved that the '.'syor ~n~ the Clerk be authorized to sign the contract ~nd t.h~t the same then be ~ent to Chri~ Jensen to receive the contractor'~ soorov~l ~.nd ~ignoture. This motion was seconded by Alwln, the council ~ooroving. There being no further business, the meeting stood ~dJourned. President ~tt~mt .................................. Recorder