1941-09-086O6 VILLAGE OF MOUND MINUTE? OF THE SP~OIAI, I~E~ING OF THE ~"OUND VIllAGE COI~-,'CI!: ~eptember 8, 1941. The purpose cf this mooring was t': receive %he reoort of A. ~. ~lllncski of Druar ~: ~illne~ki, engineer~, en ~ proposed Village ef '~fcund sewerage ~y~tem gnd sewerage di~po;al plant. Re~p~nding tc r~lt call were ~ay,r J. C. Krau~, Tru-~tees P. ~. Yinkel ~nd Earl W. Olscn, with Alwin a~ ~eoorder. Representing the engineer- ing firm ef Dru~r ~ ~filin~ski were !~r. A. ~. l~ilinc~ki ~nd ~r. William Mayder with ~usiness address a~ 1411 Pioneer ~ldg., ~t. Paul. The proposals pre~ented t~ the council were tw~ in nUmber, each · a~ed ~n the prevlsi~nsc$~' a Y. P. A. Project in which the village was tc raise approximately 25 % ef the o~t, ~nd in which the Federal G~vernment, In additi,n te providing all la~r, w~uld O~ ~9.50 per ~an- M~nth t~ward the p~cha~e .f materials. Prop- osal Me. I snticlp~ted the future growth of the village, coinciding ~ewer with preeent water m~in~ ~nd ~uoplylng ~ewer and w~ter ~in~ in the High!an~ and ~und Terrace Di~tric2~ where water mains sro new lacking. Thi~ pr~pes~l..~euld ~rlng the total ~f villsge water main~ f~m the pre~ent 45,000 'feel, which inctude~ the 1941 In~tall- atlens, tc ~7,000 feet, and duplicste thi~ with eewersge main~ ~leng identic ~treet~. Thi~ ~ll-embr~cing ~y~?em included 6 lifting ~tatlen~, ~ringing ~ewer~ge ever high ground to flew by grsvity into the Disposal plant, which the p!an~ l~cmted between the ~eten ~h~rt Cut R~ad snd the Gre~t Northern T~ack~ en the ~plctted porlien ef Fleck 6, 2ylvan Height~. The village ~h~re in thi~ first proposal would Be s. ppr,xlmstely ~170,000.00. The Federal Government would expend f~r la, or about $550,000.00. Propcssl Nc. 2 contemplated the lsyl~g ef sewer ms. ins only slcng streets presently (1941) occupied by water msins, excluding the Fernside · nd ~awlins Avenue extensions; i. e., s~cut 45,0OO feet. This reetrlct-d ~y~tem included four lifting st~tien~ .~nd a disposal elint ef c~.pacity ~nd Iecatlon a~ given a~eve. The ~r. ount t~ be r~l~ed ~y the village te defray the cest of thi~ latter s}.-~-tem was ~tated te ~orexlr~te al~eut $I21,000.O0. The Federal Govern~ent's sh~re weuld be about $~29,000.00. The unit ce~t Der foot-front cf either system wa~ e~timsted ~t ~beut $1.30, ~pread over a per, cd cf 20 ye~r~. The precepting ef ~ewerage in the ~y~tem comprehending the entire village would involve ~bcut 12-horse of electric power operating intermittently ~nd ~utcm~tically. For chemical reactions, ~cu~ l0 o~und~ ef chlorine would ~e needed daily for ~ummer oper~tlen. The entire system would reculre, from the standpoint cf supervision, thr,e hours d~ily, on the ~ver~ge, cf ~me~dy'~ time. Certain ~ertien~-. ef ~ewer~ge hou~in~ facilitie~ would have te be heated in winter. In the distribution cf the vtll~ge ~hare of the cost, it wan sug- gested that the oreces~ing plant and the lifting ~t~tion~ be Financed ~y the i~uance ef general levy village bend~ or revenue warrants, while the cost of main~ w~uld Be ~peciolly a~e~sed against frontage acc~rdi~ tc benefit. The whole indebtedne~ tc ~e retired over a period ef 20 ~r 30 ~e~r~. In order tc aceuire the installation cf either olan, the village council would have, f~rst~.~t~ select the plan that would Best meet VILLAGE OF MOUND 605 ~rester ~br Co., ork ~vl~ 25 Int.~r~t~te Power Co, Off s,?l /4. Andrev? Kr~u~e, gr~dlng .... !6 Inter~.tst~ Power Co, ork .. 3 There being no furt. h-r ~ ~ ~o ,,otlon. .72.~. X. (. Koehler, ing .... 227.65 .96."~'treater IBr C~, On oole. 93 .55.Interstct~ Power Co, pu?p 97.00 .25.Inter~t~te Power Co, strt~133.85 .~.O.Frsnk Kickhgfer, .~od cutg 4.00 .15.~%. Pk. of l~d., Intrt .... 360.00 .33.~t. Pk. of !~d, purch kon~l,500.O0 , the me~tlnFl .... to~d sSJourn~d en President Attest ........................... H~corc]er VILLAGE OF MOUND · GO7 the need~ of the village; ~eoond, call ~ m~.~ meeting of the~ entire village ~nd h~.ve the plans, sdv~nt~ge~, ~nd co~t~ ©f the or~po~ed ~ystem I~id ~ef~re the people in detail; third, pr~p~re the pr~p~sition t~ ~e ~alloted uoGn ~t the ne~t village goners;1 election ~nd; f~rth, m~ke ~policstlen t~ the Fegers_l ~vernment for Financial ~i~t~nce ~nd the ~oorovsl ,f the President of the United '~tate~. On the per,eno..1 ~oolicatien ef Superintendent J. E. ~tatts ef the Water Deo~.rt~ent f~r s rs~ise in his ~l~ry, it w~ moved by ~,lwin that the ~ter Co~",~itiee o~ the ceunciI m~,ke it~ r~co~menda- ti~n~ with respect to this at the ceuncil'~ next Regul~.r meeting on October 7th, 19~I. This w~ ~econded by Trustee Ol~on, the re~t of lhe council concurring. There ~eing ne further bu~ine~ before the m-~ting, the council sdJorned. Pre ~ ld~nt Attest ................................ Recorder