1941-11-04VILLAGE: OF MOUND ~. %%:,u VI!L~GE COLS?CIL H~D Resvondln? to roll cell were ~q~'~or J. C. Krcu~:, truatee~ P. F. 'Vlnkel, .~,v~n Jon~.~, ahd E?r! O].son, with ~lwln ~ He, corder. ~ft~r t¼~ ~ re?dlnP ond ,~o~rov?!~ of th.~ ~inut~ of th~ ~r-viou~_ ~ ~etin~:, the cl~rk re?d , 1,tier fro~ ib~ Divi~lon of Pu?!ic ~!ief o~ the Cit~.~ of Winne~ooli~, ?~o~mclng~ th~>~ Jo¥~ Woodruff, of r~ltef clients. ~ hi~ recuire~ no [~r,'?':~dt?ta ::ct!on 1~ the council. With the ~oprov~,l of th~ co~ncil throu~:h the -~otlon of Trustee ~U~r! Ol~on, Trunte, Jones ~uo~oortin~, Y~or Er~,-e aooo].n~,U i];a fo]lowing to ~e~e on The Fo~rd of ~lec~ion to ~r~eide ~t ~he · ~nw~l vi!I~e election to be be]d on Dece~ber 2nd l~Al: judges of Election: C. I~. Tuff, ~. F. Wlnkel, AuFu~t Proeckeri. Clerk~ ~f ~!ection: ~.~. Al. GSoder, Wry. Chs~. J. ~'..'~ith. On ?:orion ~, ~'r~,~,~t~ O!~on, John? ,:~u~:w~orti~g-~_ the ,,~oLncil~ ~ ~,et the ti~'~ .... of _~o]!in,~, the ~,q!ot~ ~q fro~, ~9__ o'clock.~, noon, to ,_ p P .... ,~ Petition ha~ing been m~de by the owner~ of mor- th.~n flftr-on~ (51) oercent in froot~:?, of th- r=~! ~rooertr ~buttln~r on the !nsfter nr ::ed for the exten~ion 8f w~t~r m~in~ on ~Id ~tr~.et=, to wit: NOW TFER'T FORE, De it'-:h~reby re~o!ved th'?t ~tid oetltion be considered .~nd rctlon t.~k~n in reference to th~ ~lter t~oeci~l, ~eting of the vi]/zge~ - Council of the Vlll~?e,~. of "--~:uun'd on · ue~dsv, th~ 1St>~ d~,, of Nove?ber, ~1 ~.t ~ ' ..... o clock, P ~h~ Vi]]rce Clerk be d~reci=d in ~Tive nottce ther= of to ?1! oer~on~ t?V oul~]!cst~on of thi~ r-~o!utlon once e.~ch week for two succe~ive ¥~t,o_.,., ~n ~he ' Inn' ~tonk~' Pilot, the l~t outlic'tloq to ~,~.~.. r~t le~t three dr~ orlor ~o lhe <~.~le of he~rin::~. ?he l?prove'en~ petitioned for i~ for th~ ext=n~ion of w~?i~r ~?In~ for %he ~uroo~e of furnlsbinF ~u~t~ w~'ter o,e~ice rnd fire ~orotec~ion In the o'~rts of the vi]!~e ~tutt~n~ on ~id nir-e~ ~n~ ~dJ~cent thereto. True. tee Winkel ~.econdln~~ tb.~ ~otion eor ,",~ootion, lh~ vote of the count ii. ~tood Alwin present~.d the following ordin ncc (?,~o. &2) for the ~ovrov,~! 'nd ;:do~otton of the council, to wit: VILLAGE OF MOUND The ¥i!lr, ge co~_ci! of Ho~nd do ordain as fo!lo,,vs: Section !. License ileouired. - .,lfter Decr~mber SI, ]9'1, no ~erson shall directly or ind. irect!? or by hearts of any dev'ice beep for retail sale, sell at retail, or other~';ise dispose of any cigarette or ci_Farette ~':rapper a.t any place in the village of Hound zu~less a license therefor shall :First have been obtained as .~ro¥iEed in this ordiP, ance. Section 2. 'l?.. ;'.,~ic,_.~ion for ~, ,elica. tion an& Issz~.ance. -~_.::.__ -~'~ such license shall be mede ~o ~he vi!laFe clerk on a supplied by tho vi!l~ce. Such application shall state the f~ll name and ad~_ress of the a!~plicant, the location of under such license, ~e ]~ind of business conducted a% such location, ax& such other informs%ion as shall be re%zired ~,~ ~no !ica%ion form. Won ~-1, e ~s.~;-' u fiiin~ of sl~oh amelioa- 2ion ~fi%h %he c!orh, it shall be presen%ed 2o %he vi!!a~e ~o~ its consideration, and if ~rr:,n%ecL b~,r %he council., a license shall be issued by the vi!la~e cler~ u~on payment of the req~ire& fee. Seotion ~z ~' ,-~ . o. ~lce~.L~e Fee - The fee for every such license shall be ,.ucn license shall, expire on Deccml~er S! next after its issue, shoe. For any license issued after ~ ....... ~r ~1 in any year, the fee ~1~s]l be com- au%cO at the rate of ~! sO for eecb month or fra. ction~ ~art of a month covered by the license. Licenses shall not be transferable from one person to another. Section,.~, '~. License Shall De Di~-o~s,~a~:_~_.~. ~ i, kery such license shall be kept conspicuously ocs%ed about ~he place for which the license is issued and shall be exhibited to any person upon request. Section 5. Restrictions. - }lo license shall be issued ewcemt to a merson of ~ood. moral character ;1: o license ,~, .... !l sa~e of cigarettes at any ~lace be issued to an applicant for '~ other than his establmsned place of business, No license shall be issued for the sale of cigarettes at a novable place of business; nor shall any license be issued for the sale of cigar- et%es at more than one place of business, i~o person shall sell or give ~'"~-- ~_~. ..... ..~...~ any cigarette, ci:are$te vomer or ci:s. rette wrapper ~o any :erson below She a~e off !8 years, i~o ~}erson shall beep flor sa!e, sell, or dispose off any cieare$te $aini:g opi:~.m, morphine, jimson weed, bel!a &emma, strychnia, cocaine, marijuana, or any other deleterious or'~oisonous dr~.: exce:$ nicotine. VILLAGE OF I~OUND Sec'tion rovo~.eu, l]y 'the co~incil for a viola%ion o]_ a~-~,~ t~}~is ord. ix:ll!o e i'1o{5 ice 5~tl:~ ord~ino. I~co shall ~ ~ nisderaeanor ,-~ ~ .,. a~..c~ ~z~on conviction ~l~oreof shall Ze N,ug. skec! .:100 or b,~ in,-:r!sonnen% for to exceed 90 r::nssecl %his z. tha~*, of l'ove?:i;e? mr~t~ ~z:t: Jon .... ~.ov-~? for th.~ "~'~r.?'1nF: of the Off ~ oe D~o~--]--~N ].~i', !CZ:l, ~ns 1!'~:'~ the Cf'P -"!e %or~ '?it!*o,,t_ ..,_.: r-ot'~ on,_ . th,* .... c3¢,~'-,,:, L ~.~r¢ ~,. , :t.h,.o.. 1.r '.~':d to not1+%*: th.¢ ~'tore ',T.'o~:.t lh~ ch~: nr:,'e. VILLAGE OF MOUND , ~ . · ...... ~ . . ~' ~ , C,,~, , r..~; . Ie'?o~, ~. ~lwln. ~cor~r... 25.00.~. v. Neu~nn, !ic~. ~iore 25.00 ~~,~'· ~f~. , I~. ~t-~r~..... !OC~.OO.. ~ ~,. Johnson, Tr~ ~,.... g.25 ". ~. Johnson, ~,~,_....... g.25.q, eo. ~.,. Co~, ~o!Ic~ .... 1OO.OO J. C. TMt~n, ~r!l st, r. Co~:~,:. !10.00 .... g. ~ ~t'~t?~ , v~.! ptr. · · ~.,~.50 g. U. ""t~tt~, "~t~,r D~vt... ~g.50.?. ~cCor~'ick, Inc. ~.. :?tr~t~r Ibr Uo , ?rk 30.10 "tr~t~r I>r ~'o ~r~. ]1 O! O~t~ o? ~o~>tn~a'' ~, -,, ,: .... l_. ~?ecre~ ~.O0.Ch~' ~ruhn. r~?tr~ .... ~ Oo ~tstil?.~r~ Di~tr~,t'~ dor~: 45.16.E~11~ "u~r ~tc~ ..... 12.15 , .. ~95.R. O ..... . l{[;].!er-D?~[s Co. .Iegcl .75. t~,~ Pilot vr[nt's On e 13 ~ Wtks P~!ot, Off s'le re~:ort 13.75.},~tk? P[!ot ~ fund.. &.50 ~ PI!or, nroceedtn~:~: .... ?.... ~.~.70, .~"trer?ter !.br. Co. C. R.. 5.00 ?[~:~tertown Tel Co, rent etc. 11.65 '-'. '-'~enn. R~f Prd. cert.. 6.00 t}~d. I. G._,:. "-}::.~ulding~ N!f. 6.80.Interst.~te Power Co ..... 2.01 Tnt~rst~.t~ Pm~er Co. Pump.c~ 41.~O.Int~r~t?t~ Po~,~r Co. "tr !40.~0 'Inter~,tst~ P'ow~r Co Of'6 o~]e 7.16.Int~rot?t~- Power, On '~'~1 62.81 ~tr~ter !hr Co On :',~le w~ !© 60 [,[ Co. '?~,r~,,~ ~ ~ ..... ................ uo ,~ 22.52 ........ ..... ~. .Pr]{ f 1.00 Grt. w ?:R R Co frgt !.lO.Orr. }?. n R. Co., r.,,~:.t,~r Lbr. ~o, 0n ?'ale Re 25 00. treater Ibr. Co, Off ~:'' 25.00 ':'treater I?r Co, Off s~le Rt 65.OO.2~tk~: Ne~. Co, he~r ...... 5.15 Cr~ne Co , ~ ... 55.90. 613 Pr~ oident Recorder