1943-05-04VILLAGE OF MINU~~ OF THE REGULAR MEE TING OF May 4th, 1 Responding to roll call at this mee' A~ S. New,omb, and G. F. Broeckert, Louise Wuestis was absent in Califo~ After the reading and aporovaI of t? a hearing was given to Mr. Geo. Win~ Ed. Phillips & Sons Ce., with refer~ perpetuate the No,und Municipal Lleu¢ lleuor shortage. The council was ur. of Trustee Newcomb to the affect t~ I~IOUND ~43. ~ing were Tr with Alwin ~ ~ia. Trust, e minutes o~ us, Lie~uor nce to curt ,r ~tore in .animous!y a~ at he would others on Tues~a,y, May Ilth, 1943, ~or the purp¢ agreement, as between the store and he wholesal~ could be saved from a "sell-out." A hearing was ~iven to J. P. COllins covering t~ CoUnty Auditor s Office with reference to the ts main improvement fronting on what is locally err as Lot I, Nrown's Addition and now o~ned by the Church, and another tract still owne ~arion Collins and which is Iisted i "That unplat~ed tract lying E. of [o N. of Lynwold Park, snd S. of Brown~ complained that, following his sale St. John's Lutheran Church, the wate _became reversed in the County Audito property he still retained; he payln paying on his property. Since the_m and exp_lained in correspondence auditor's office, the council refe~ for an adjustment of his account. and record the local ~hler's Smd. Ad~., Sec.. nf Lot l, Br main ac cop s Office w on church ~tter had al' '~e Village' [{r. Colli] LAGE COUNCIL HELD in the Village of Mound and to defin~ with reference to. it so that the cou: limitations in defraying the taxpaye~ This motion was supported by the cou~ stees R. J. Rondorf, s Recorder. Mayor e Rondorf presided. the previous meetings, alesman for the iling sales in order ace of the current reed in the proposal meet with ~indus and se of reaching an rs, w%ereby the ~tore ~ confusion in the · billings for water ~neously described ~t. John' s Lutheran ~d in the name of ~ssessment records as Add. to Mound and 14." Mr. Coil ins ~wn's Add. to the I%~;of the church property [th the account of ~roperty and the church 'eady been clarified Clerk and the County ~s back to the County · E. Palm w r land from ~he Street one apoeariu in response to the ads for the saIe authorized to accept $250.00 as the lng to accept the offer. Trustee Br~ counc Il concurring. The council as a whole concurred in Chairman Rondorf that the clerk adver for the village park. of the Pomona village price ~ckert secon .~e proposal ise for bid the relief situation al responsibility within its legal atters o~ relief· th reference to the the street ~nd the 3ommittee. or being heard Pump, the Clerk be to anyone~ appear- led this mo~ion, the ~y Village Board on a power mower Trustee A. S. Newcomb moved that, no The clerk read a letter signed by Mr~ uncontrolled flowag~eof water over he slope opposite. This was referred t¢ village le~ ell might a( money in LOll. ~. Collins also petitioned for an i~provement o~' the drainage Of the rear portion of his tract which had )eon disturbed by the filling in of land that had been included into Lhe schoo~ aSheletic field. The chair promised Mr. Collins an invest :gation. / Trustee Newcomb moved, with the supo~,rt of Trust~ e Broeekert that attorney N. E. Pardee be delegated t( investigate ' VILLAGE OF MOUND After a brief discussion of the la~bor situation and living costs, Trustee Meweomb moved to raise the sala. ry of ~treet Commissioner J. C. ~teln by $10.O0 a month, same to be effective I'or the months of ~,~ay, June. JuIy, and August only. Trustee ~roeckert supported this motion, the Comuncll agreeing. Tr~stee A. ~. Newcomb presented the following resolution ~nd moved its adoption, to wit: IT BEING THAT ~rs. Louise Huestis, the duly elected and ouallfied President o~' the Village Council oI' the Village oi' ~ound, being absent for an extended visit in the ~tate of Cali- fornia, and it being I'ound expedient and necessary for some other member omf the council to sign village warrants and such other documents as present themselves in the course of village business, and otherwise serve as chal~nan of the Village Poard, NOW, THEi~EFIOR~, ]9~ I~ RESOLVe, and it is hereby a~thorizem, t~st R. J. Rondorf, a duly elected village trustee and member the Village Council - holding seniority through service and time - serve as Sresident of the Council in the absence of ~frs. Louise H~estl~ and perform all of the duties thus reeulred of him. '~'rustee ~. ~. Proec. kert seconding the motion for the adoption the above resolution, the vote of the council stood un~nimo, us. ~.nd so the resolution stood adopted. of following bills were authorized for oayment for the month of ,a. pr ii: Le}{oy V. Alwin ............... ~ 58.10.LeRoy V. ~.lwin ........... ~ 15.O0 Le~oy ¥.Alwin ................ 25.00."~ N John 7 50 : son ............. ?.'. N. Johnso, n ................ 7.50.~;dna Gooder, ~ookkeeolng.. 35.00 ~eo. ~M. Cole ................. l~.O0.u.C. ~tein ............... 2.DO ~. C. Stein .................. 114 . 60 .',? . B. Bowers, water dept.. 10.20 ?~. ~. Bowers, !~tr. Dept ...... ?2.50.!~,~tka Pilot, pub. proc ..... 17.69 ?!tka Pilot, pub. notice ...... 1.80./~kron Brass ~nfg. Co ...... 80.02 '~'[atertown ~'eI Co ............. 20.33.~:treater I. br. '~o .......... lO.C0 interstate Power ~o., ~tr .... 174.94.zmergency Ambulonce ....... 7.00 Drs. ~elfert & Dupont ........ 3.00.~,.oun~ Oil ~'ta .............. 75 ~ound ~'uper Valu ~tmore ....... 30.43.-.-~. H. Co. Elf ~rd ......... 5.00 ',~tllla~,s ~ervice %;ta ......... 13,24.:.~tlllams Oer. ~:ta .......... 2.70 Phillips "66" ~ta ............ 1.lO.uhaska Bev. uo ............ 3.67 7 UO Pot~limg Co. ............ 2.60.Fabst ~ales uo ............ 13.9D .Cd. Phillios ,~- ~ons uo ....... 4b4.70.Old Peoria Co ............. 66.60 interstate Power Co .......... 7.14.¢~treater Lbr. Co .......... 50.00 !~.~erlcan ua. st Iron Pice Co... llO.17.L~Hpy V. ~,lwin ............ 3.00 Interstate Power ~o .......... 40.O0..[mprovement ~ulletin ...... 1.t~ ~adger ~'.~eter '~,!nfg. Co ........ b.91.o.P. Collins, electrical. 2.50 Interstate Power Co .......... 6.00.t,*~tlliams ~er. '?ta ......... 22.79 ,.'~'~. N. Johnson, I. ~tore .... . . lO0.O0. above village business concluded, the meeting ~dJourned. Pre s i ~e nt ~ tte st ~ec order