1943-12-07I~. Maim, snowplow ........... 7.50 A. ] ~'. L. Groschen 1943 ~'. D. rept .50loon ~. Nichols, r'. D. rept ...... 2.50.r'. A. Krause, ~.. D. rep% ....... 2.50.~. A. Farness F. D. rept ...... 3.00.a. ~. Cressy, ?. ~. rept ....... 2.00.~al VILLAGE OF ~OUND NINUTES~ OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THUE MOUND VILLAG December 7th 1943. Present at this annual village electi n day meettn Huestls, Trustees ~. J. Rondorf, ~. ~ Newcomb, with Alwin as ~eeorder. After the reading and ap~oval ~of ~he ~inutes of November 2nd, 1943, the clerk pre~ented, for the a of the council, the Christmas ~eal ~ond of~'e~ed, f by the Hennepin County '~uberc~osis A~ sociation. ~. J. Mon~orf, Alwin suoporting, ~the ~ouncll auth of the bond and the issuance of a vil] ~ge war~ant ~rus~ee A. ~. N~comb called the the c)uncil's for a dow~ard adjustment of the principal amo~ts covering the stock of the ~ound Municipal Licuor merit had ~.Iready been a~ked for and ma~e by the ~t~ in the St. Paul Fire and ~;xtended cove:~age Policy on Dee. 6th, 1944, and having a proses': principal A simuIar adjustment would have to be ~ade with re Burglary coverage, most of which i~ he~d with the Trustee Newcomb volunteered to confer ~lth the Ree~ adjustment In a fused form· ?his met Ith council ~.~. N. Johnson, Village ~.~reasurer, pres nted his the month of November. On a motion by ~Iwtn, ~u~ t~e council approved this report and o]'dered it fi~ I~ a rev~w of sal~ies and wages paid ooserved b~ndorf, and concu~ increa~$ of ~ ~~rd~ Wi th th. the_ ng of May 4th, 1943, i. of Newoomb, this met with council apprc Pollowing a discussion with reference to the legal social sscurity for village employees, Trustee Newt he would investigate the matter and re~ort later to wa~ ag~ee~ %o by the oo~oll without motion. On a motion by atwin, Trustee ~roeckert ag~el~, t the pa~ent of the following bills: J. C. ~tein ................. $ 14.10.J. C. f~teln .... ~alter ~owers ............... 55.77.walter Bowers.. Fo. stmaster.. .postage· . 7.00.~. ~lchols ..... f4rs. Thersea ~chwartz, rfd.. 33.00.,~. ~. Johnson, ~!. N. Johnson, tress ........ 7.50.~,3ol[eotor o~ in ?~rs. $. H. Davis, rfd on wtr 33.00.~eo. R. Cole. G. J. Sorenson, beer ........ 13.60.md. Phillips & COUNCIL ~ELD E were Mayor Louise nd t~. ?. Proeckert, 711 ~e regular meeting of ~ceptance or rejection or the su~ of SD.CO, )n a motion by '~'rustee orized the acceptance O cover. ? ntlon to the need of insurance policies ~ore. ~-~uch an adjust- ~te Bank of Nound Agcy., ~o. OM_ 8005, termlnsting ~.mount of $2 ,b00.O0. ~erenee to Open Stock · P. Eeed Agency. Agency for this approval. ~ancial report covering ~tee Hondorf seconding, .ed. ,to village ~mplslses.,~.~..-i% was ~ ~n, ~s ~o have to,in, ted ~.00 a mort yam. recuiremen~s cove~in~ omb s~geste~ ~at the co,oil. ~his he oou~ll authorized {a s tinga, ?. Painter, p Feil~.nd, ~'. ~lat zhe Ia, F ~arch, ~.. D. Inman, F. ........... ~ 122.29 ........... 16.50 ........... 13.5o ........... 33.0o teas ....... 7.50 Hev ...... 7.86 · · .60 re pt ..... 1.50 re pt ..... 50 ~. rept ..... 3.50 D. rept .. 3.00 rept .... ~.. 3.00 · report... 4.00 VILLAGE OF MOUND ~IF' V O n ~schen, 1943 ~?'. ~,. rept..$ .50.~en wellsnd, ?'. D. rept..~ 6.~D L. J. Bowers, ~. D. rept ....... 6.00.~oger Xehm~nn, ~. D. rept 3.50 Menu. no. T. ~. Assn, bond ..... 5.OO.Dr. J. P. %Vtlkins ........ 32.36 tka Pilot, prig & Pub ......... 33.20.~tre~.ter Iibr. no., rent.. 5.0~ int. ~tate ~?ower (3o str. lt~e.. 170.60.~'~d. Oil <ta., gas ........ 3.60 , lller Davis ,o., elec spols... 3.50.?~'atertown '~el. ~o ........ 6.51 Yrs. ~dna ~.~oore, vil elec ...... 4.70.~rs Jennie Johnson, vll ele 4.70 i,,!Irs. L. ~owers, vil. elec ...... 4.70.~'/m. Kickhafer, vll. e/cc,. 4.70 CZ L. Tuff, vil elec ........... 4.70. Spring Park Maw. ~o ..... 2.64 ~ylvester ~ilgers...snow work.. 12.50.~tackHawk ~,~nfg. uo. ...... 3.75 ~d. Phillips & ~ons Co ......... 610.25._~'inley ~otors. ........... 7.90 Phillips "66" ~ts ............... lO.Tb.~oodend ~'arm, grs,vel ..... 19.20 ~'ound Oil [~ta. gas ............. 29.80.~olca Cola Pot. Co ........ 1.30 oh~ska Rev. ~o, beer ........... 24. 64.D~ stillers Distrlb. Corp. 116.76 ~'~lnnlng ~nderson Co~ ':'o].s beer. 6.75.~~. F. ?alk Paper Co ...... 6.72 :'cYes~on & Robbtns, lie ........ 6b.89.Old Peoria Co, llc ....... 6b.3I ~.;. %~. Johnson, I. store ledger. 4.50.:'?~. N. Johnson Lio. frg%.. 8.34 '-~treater Lbr. co. L. store rent 25.00.±nt. ?tare Power ~o, ..... 5.D5 ~tate ~ank of ~ound, ~&t~t ..... 238 . 50 . state ~ank of ~ound ...... 51.O0 ~[ound Hdw. Co, hdw ............ 3.80.Int. ~tate Power Co. prop. 40.00 'the Pure Oil Co, fuel .......... ll.58.h.A. Eogers ~ Co.. pl,.ts. 3.18 ~tate ~ank of !~ound, insur.~nee. 47.88.Lic. uontrol uommlssloner 1.00 'the above busines~ concluded, the meeting adjourned on motion. Pre s i de nt ^ttest ............................ ~eoorder