1948-11-19'968 VILLAGE OF MOUND NINUTES' .0F THE SPECIAL MEET~NQ OF THE NOUND VILLAGE COUNCIL. HELD Noye~ber 19~th, 1948. Present' at this meeting, wh'i.ch.was called t°, order, mt 8 P. M., were Mayor W'.' i. Davis, CouncilmeN, pierce, and. Winkel, with Alwin .~ecord~h~' Presen~ also was. H.~ E. Wolner as. Village Attorney. The purpose of the meeting was ko conSi~.er water, and toilets for the MuniciPal Bl~g, a central h~ating, plant for the liquor store And $IIlage Office, and to determine, the. size of the three culverts to be or~ere~I for the new ex.tension of. Chlpman. A~enue. After ~iscussaon it was move~ b~ Pierce, i and. seconded by Alwin, ~ that th~ legal department be instructed, to ~raw up a~vertisements for bi~s f0~ the lnstallatioD of an ~Utomablcally controlleA blowerLtype warS air and' oil.-bu.rning, heating plant for the Eiquor Store An~ 6ffice, and bi~ ~gr She i~etallatlon, of. a toilet aha Wash b$wl' in' space prOvi~e~ in the rear. of. the.village office &long With' an. adequa.te .septi$ system, .all. Aitchln~. an~ ~Igging to Be provi~e'f0r by the v~ill~ge, such a~¥ertisements to appear in the Novemb~r'2$t~ i~sue of the Minnetonka.Pilot. . .This.motion was u~ nanim~ .S!E i q ,a .r.r ~ie~. ' ~°ll°wJ~g'a'6~nsider~tion 9f i~a~kinglaa~i tra~fic i Pr0blems by members 6f the'6ou~cil'with J. S, ~ms.of the. police ~epartment, this with ~pecial reference ~o railroad crossings, it was moved by Pierce that the Village Attorney be authorize~ to draw up an or~inamee, or to so revise traffic ordinaces already existing, as to limit parking to ten feet (lO ft.) from the railroad track at intersections. This was seconded by Winkel, the council unanimously agreeing. With reference to culverts for Chipman Avenue, it was the agreement of t~ the council - in view of culvert material already in stock - to increase the size from twelve to eighteen inches and to authorize the ordering of two forty-foot lengths, instead of three. This busines~ conclude~ the meeting adjourne~ at lO:JO P. M.