1949-01-07978 VILLAGE OF MOUND SPECIAL MEETII,iG OF THE I,~0UI,ID VILLAGE COU!~CIL HELD January 7th, 1949. The purpose of this meeting was to authorize an increase of collateral to be furnished by the State Ba-nk of Mound to cover the amount of village deposits held at .the bank. This was at the request of the incoming Village Treasurer, Louise Huestis. Present at th~ meeting were I¥~ayor Davis, Councilmen White and Winkel, and Alwin, Recorder. After discussion it was moved by White that the collateral, furnished by the bank, be raised from its present 445,000.00 to $ 95,000.00, and that the clerk be authorized to notify the bank to that effect. Winkel seconded the motion, the council carrying. This business done, the meeting adjourned.