1949-03-08VILLAGE OF MOUND 985 ~!NUTEB OF THE ~EGULAP, I~iEETING OF THE D[0Ui~ VILLAGE COUNCIL Held D[arch 8th, 19z19. Responding to roll-call were I.~[ayor Vh;t. I. Davis, Councilmen R. L. Pierce, and Gene '.¥hite, with Alwin as Recorder. Present also was village attorney Herbert E. ~Volner. After the reading knd aporoval of the' I;Iinutes of the Regular Heeting of February 8th, and the Adjourned Regular meeting of Feb. 18th, the meeting proceeded with a discussion of the village financial report as published in the I~innetonka Pi~ot pf ~arch 5rd, 19~9. Interest and questions centered about t?~.e possible cost, which, according to publisher Brazman, would, in due time, be determined by the State. Gist of the discussion was to determine policy for the future inpublishing reports, either monthly, q~arterly, or annually.~ The matter was momentarily t~bled to be tsken up again at the meeting of ~farch 19th. After .hearin~j the Financial Report for the L!°nth of February read by Village Treasurer Louise Hu. estis, it was r~oved by Alwin, and seconded by White, that the same be ao~roved. This was carried. In the course of the discdssion with reference to a possible ap~oin, tee to fi.l.1 the Assessor' s~ post with th.e ~resig~nation and ~f!~al withdrawal of Herbe~rt A. Bly .fr.om. that off ieee, and Har. ry. D[artin o,f Shirley Hills., U.nit "C". ~b.e.i.n~g presented a,~s a like~ly..candidate, it was ~,gre~ed ~nd the. ~Cl?rk~ Mas ~authorized to no.t~ify~ .both. Bkv. and ~artin. to make an appe~arance at the adjourned regular meeting of the counci~i tO C,onvene on Saturday, }~la~ch. !~gt.h, at ~. P. ~. Dis~c[u~s~.sio~ of 'the ~us parkings3[ p~oblem ~esulted in s]n a~thorizatiom to ~the cl. erk to ~onf~er with Rond~orf for ~a~ possible rer~edy. Nr.[ ~Z~rm~ ~ the Dominions Company~,[ '~f~t'~ ~hearing, was re~rred to ~Wi~el and ~ffhite in connec%i~o.n with processing village water against rust and lime. ?~i,~l and V;hite v~ere to ~e.p.o~rt. later with their r~co~mendat%ons. They also wer~e authorized to repot% oD the electrpr ~,~eutra~iza%ion of the Village Water tank ~s a measure agains~ the formation of r~s% ..... · Thel [C'l[e.rkl l~as i.nst~cted to confer, by l'e~t'er, with S. E. Ain, s~o.r~h., Co~ty Co::~mis~ioner, with reference to 'removing the obstructions from the vent of the L$'st' Lake ~[arch chennel int.o. Cpok's B.ay, thus lo~erin~ t~e level of m'arsh water and. ge.t.ting it out of the bas,ementz of ~a~Sh shorel'ine homes. In cennection with the widening of Central AVenue to 86'ft. from its intersection with Lynwold Ave. North to the Village limits, it was unanimously agreed,and without motion, that the clerk confer with Village h~gineers, Toltz, King, & Day with reference to the initis, ting petitio~ p~ace.d into the hands of the State Hif~:~way Dept., which, a?ter examins, tion by thi~ firm, was to be returned to this village. It was also agreed · thab .a .representati, v.e .enginee. r .meet with the council at its ~eeting of L~[~rch,19th, at 2. P. 986 VILLAGE OF MOUND On a motion 'by Di.~rce, atpn. ortcdby White, the council paased a stereotyped resolution subnitted by the Land Cop. mis .ion~r of H~nnepin County with reference to the sale by the St~:te of Ninnesota of tax-delinquent land with. in villa~e limits, such resolution, hovJgver, hay,in., the a,.udendum that Rll assess',~ents for water main improvement ~6ainst the properties was to be collected, by the State ~:.:~.d refunde~ to the vil!ase. This was car'Pied. f The mat.toP of a City L~n,~m,,r's form of 6overm~ent for the Vi!la6e of Pound was placed into the hands of Vit!a~:~e~ Attorney,, W.,,o!ner~ for ereoer investi6ation. It was moved by ?hire ~nd seconded by Pierce that the Village pu~- chase !iouor licenses retroactive to December 1946, .same runnin6 to June goth, 1949, and tkat{~the President of the Vii!age Council execute the Papers neces~ary to secure such lisences.~ This motion was carried as a rectification v.;ith reference to legal reouirements in connection with villa~(e Liquor Store soiling. The clerk was authorized to issue the vi!!ase certified check in the amount of ~355.~! to cover the cost of the license. On a motlon by P~,,~ce, seconde& by ',;n!%e, the Council a. uthorlzed n~?mant of the fol!owinE; bills: Ralnh Johnson ............. PuPlty Bev. Co., Beer ..... Seven Up Bottlin.i~ Co ...... Gold I.{edal Bev. Co ........ N. F. Falk Paper Co ....... Old Peoria Co., Liq ....... Fr~mous Brands, Inc., Liq.. Story Bev. Co., !_oot beer. Palmer & Normandin ........ 84. OORa!oh Johnsons, e~helving .... ~ 7.4.70.Coca Cola. Bottlin6 Co ..... 9S. ?4-. Pabst Sales Co., Beer ..... 14.75 .Pepsico!a Bottling Co ..... 16.73. Kelley Liq. Co ............ 97. O0 81.80 %.85 . ?0 140.0 6 6.80.CarteP Bev. Co. Liq ........ SS.?S.Ntka Bev. Co., Gluecks .... 89.80.LIannim; Anderson Co ....... 71.4~.Am. Linen Co .............. 8.90.1st Nat'! Bk. Bonds ....... ~3.55.F.D. Foster, bul!dozin6.. 284.89.W.J. Thurk, sharn'c; tools !l. 50. Standard Oil Co. Fuel...... 5.68.Bud's Pure Oil Co ......... 14.73.Nounal Oil Sta. sas ........ !,ll!l~-?-Davis Co. Supr~l, ies. Streater Lbr. Co. Coal .... Henn. Co. R!f. Brd,rlf .... Norton Salt Co ............ Rosenwald Cook, er, !~c ..... !{ound Oi'! Sra..(,~as otc .... Hedber6-Friedheim, loc .... 18.5~°.Doui!les i'{el.on, san~. ...... Tnt erstat~ rowe ......... ~ o ,~ 46 ~ ' .... cpu ~a. te Co .Pmo6 l{ound HOw. Co., Pump No.S. 5S4. 59. Standard Oil Co., fuel .... Tonk'a ?lee. Co, Pu:~qimuse. 74.09. Coast to Coast '~=to_es~ ..... 169.45 ~8. SO 237.95 7.80 28.80 1S. 8O 5.50 868.28 50.00 !1.60 68.50 26.72 3.95 lgO. 97 90.70 28.80 50.00 This business done, the meetin6 adjourned to reconvene on ~aturd~.v,~ .% ii:~,~rOil 19th, 1949, at o