1949-07-181014 VILLAGE OF I~IOUND 1014 $[[NUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE MOUND VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD July 18th, 1949. Present were Davis, Winkel, White, Pierce, and Alwin. The meeting opened w&th the reading of Specifications for bids in the purchase of a road grader, and then proceeded with the opening of the following bids presented by their repective representatives: Rosholt - Adam Motor Grader - $9,037.65 - Immediate Shipment' subject to prior sale - Certified Check for $500.00 enclosed. Rosenwald-Cooper - $5,795.00 - 38 h~rse Diesel - 30 day delivery - Certified Check in the amount of $ 302.00. · Bor~hert-Ingerscll - Allis Chalmers, G. M. - §0.§ horse Diesel - ' $9,746.78 - Immediate delivery from stock, net.Cert. Chk. enclsd Geo.' T.' Ryan 'Co. - Gallon, International Diesel', §~ horse - ~8,920.00 Mound - Immediate d'elivery '-Gert. C'h~ $475.00 'l'erms net, ~subJect to acceptance within ten day's.. Ziegler Co - Caterpillar, 45 horse '~' $~,'206'.00 fo'b Mound. Pending 'a' d'e'¢ision covering the above,· the council proceeded in the censid'erati'on of petitions for th'e oiling of streets. On a Motion 'by Whit'e., Pierce supporting, the co'uncil 'authorized the oil- ing of HTghland Ave. from i~s intersection with Highland Boulevard West t'o 'it's 'int'e.rsection with Mound Ave.'' This' was in response to legal petition. On the' sa~e grounds, and' on a motion by White, Pierce seconding,' the ¢oun'cil authorized the layinE of a' dMst~-'coat' 'oil' along all cf the stre~et~s of the B~ptistZma~mer As's'embly Ground'.. On a motion by Pierce, White supportinE,' the 'coun'cT1 authorized the l'aying of a dust c'oat oil over all of 'the 'parking. a~rea and street of the Mound Village Park. ~ ............ ATter 'd~eliberation, it was moved' by Wirflcet .that the village purchase the Caterpillar Grader as bid by the ZTeg~er Co.', same ~to be eq9lpt with the 'scarifying equipment, bringing the cost to a total of $ $~,615.00.'~ This was seconded by White, the council unanimously carrying. .... Follewiug di'sc~ssion it was moved by W~ite, Pierce .seconding, ~that the village advertise for bids on the installation of plumbing, Toilets, and a septic tank according to specifications on file with- the village clerk, bids to be opened August 2Bxt, 1949, at 8 P. M., and each bid to be accompanied by a certified cheek in the amount of 8% cf the Bid, the village reserving the right to reject any or all bids. On roll-call vote, the following voted "Yes:" Wi. nkel, White, Pierce, and Alwin. Nays, none. And so th~ motion Was carried. It being requested by police officer J. S. Adams to take his vaca- tion two weeks in'succession and 'contrary to council ruling, it was the consensus of council opinion that it could make no exception in his case, and that he would be obliged to confine himself to one week, or take the second one without pay. ' VILLAGE OF I~IOUND 1015 On a motion by White, Pier. se semonding, the council authorize& pay- ment of all liquor bills incured during the month of June and that were delayed for aetion at the Regular Meeting of July §t~ 1949, such bills to be lis~ted as paid, among other bills, under that date. The council discussed the need ~f additional police' personal, the need efa police car with fmll radio equipment, and other improvements to bring more thorough policing ~$ the village. The matter was left in the hands of members for further investigation. This business done, the meeting adjburned. Same being on the motion of White, with the stipulation tha~-the meetin~ reconvene on Friday, July 22nd, 1949, at 8. P. M.