1950-03-07~G8 V'LLAGE OF MOUND The regular, meetinfj of the Council w?.s called to order at 8':0 by the ~.,ayor~ ',~ rch 7, 1950. '- Present were Trustees Winks!, Ely, and White, ~D~yor Davis. ~r. Pierce was absent for os, use. !lYf, Storey, Village .~anager, also present. Xinutes of meetings of February ~th~ llth and 20th were read and approved, with the co~nent from Hr. Bly regarding his completing the assessment rolls on pro~ects ~O!and Park Ave., that this had ~een delayed because of the necessity for some changes. RONDORF SIDEWAL~f ASOE2~!.fENT - ~fotion by Xr. :~T..ite, seconded by ~[r. Winkel, that the bill from ~.~innetonka Construction Co., smoot ~15~.14, for sidewalk frontin~ Hr. Rondorf~s property on Park ~ve., be paid from PIR ~nd and the amount added to ~r. Rondorf's assess- ment and spread over the ti~:~ of the assessment. ~oZion carried. ~i~ERIC~E LEGION SIDEWALK- After discussion and examination of the bills, it was found that 'the ~ount due ?~i::netonka. Constr. Co. of :~8 .35 was to have been paid by the County. ~'otion was made by Wink~l that after th~ office has checked with ?~r. $olstad to see that he has not billed the County, the village bill them for this a=ount "as per agreement with ~i(r. Zimmerman and ~'[r..^insworth." Stor~y was asked to get request from ~[r. Rondorf in writing cov- the sidewalk assessment above-mentioned. PARK AVE. PflviUG and the matter of Great .l~orthern's share of this project were discuss, ed, and the matter tabled to adjourned meeting, at which time full information was to be ready to aid the cotmcil in a decision. ~:-',~-,. ~.~.:E~ - i'i'[r. ~'.~orey received t'~-~ 1' ............. ~= counci ~ advice that their formal..~.,~.o~.,,,~.~,~n~_~... ia not neceo~ary, particularly in the case of fo~mer aFi:iicants; in the case of new applicants, he mi~.t wish to consult the council. The:e ,a, as some discussion of recent opinic, ns bsr the Attorney C~neral r~.~a, rdin~ pin b~.~l machines, with agreement theft the situation should be closely watched. ~,:,..~TICE CO!FRT may be held in the village office building, it was agreed, inasmuch as the liquor store adjoining is an off-sale store. LEVIES 0i? W~.TER~.AiN PROJECTS were discussed by ?'r. Bly, showing that where there is a portion to be paid by the village, this, amotmt should be figuired out and a general levy made to cover; and that ~his itemehould be kept in mind so that it may be included in the budget for next year. ~ ~,v AVE. '~-~ .~torey reported that BIOD~RI~ LOT which is to '~e vacated, .... this must b~ puOlished for two weeks before o,~e resolut'~ passed covering it. In thisconnection, Dr. Davis repotted he had be~n asked by a ntm~ber VILLAGE OF MOUND of r~sidents of the area about getting a sidewalk at the corner where the former o~oesing was; .~. Wink~l rel~.o~tecl the G.~:7. were opposed to such a walk. Ta¥1ed to next meeting, in the mean- time G.l~. to be contacted regarding it as well as the lot to be vacat ed. ~otion b:f ~[r. White, sec:reded by M~. Winkel, that salary ~ates for village en',ploye~s be a thorized at the same rates for the month of ~.~:arch, 1950, as previously au'tho~ized, with the ,fol- lowing exception: !~rs. Edna O~ooder, ~:~3v.50 fez' the first half of ?larch, and 710,5.00 fo.~- the second half of ~:~srch. ~oticn carried. C~'(f~ITTEES -Dr. Davis suggested th-~t the council ccm ittees zemain the sam~ as las+~ year. Tho~:e was di~cus,~ion and general agreement as to the change in the character of committee work in that council members will now serve more as consultants to the Nanarg~r, with the actual direction of activities being entirely under his jurisdiction· The matter of lack of co-operation oN some village employees was discussed and ~'r. ~torey was assured of .the full backing of the co.oil in whatever action he deems n~e..,s~z, and their help in the ~tter of new employe.ee if necessary. I:~:P_.~,.~,.,~ 0~ DOGS - ~[r. Storey rgllorted that in an effort to correct the ~tray dog nuisance, com[~lained of particularly ol school authorities, he had fox, md it [o~sible to make an arranj~m~nt with Woodend Farm Kennels whereby they will take dogs at ({1.GO l~'ez h~ad p~r day and keet' them for tbs neces- sary lO days and then dispose of ghem. the owner to pay the ffe~ wh=n claimin~ his dog and in ~he case of dogs ~mc!aimed th~ fe~ to th~-vil' .... ~'1 . i[~. Storey was asked to make up the necessary amendment to the pres,ent prdinance witL tbs aid of ~'[~. Wolner and. to present i~ at~ the ~djourned meeting, if poe?ible~ in the meantimes to report the action to, the, school. POLICE protecti:tn during night and early mornimg hours was discussed, with the ;'e~lt tbst it wa~, sluree:! nothin~ further could be done without sacrificing necessary daytir~e police wbrk. :.:r. ~to,-ov_ ~ reported the. t speeding v~olaticns were nmmerot~ a~d h~ intended to have the police officer f,o after s~h violators, vigorousiv,~ also that he will ~e~ort the ~z~-ey~'-~ound situation to the office so~oh~,.to driver~ will be warned, after w~ich ticket~ will b~ issued to them· · ,~mnn~r having re~a~.s,~ed police uniforr:, it ~,,:~as agreed alter that discussion thst he should Set it, with the ex- ception of the heavy overcoat. T~XI - [~r. Stozev was asked to tell ,~.:~r. Bryce to ~et insurance on ali three of his cabs, inasmuch as all three had been-seen ~p~at~n~ on th~ street at one time A!~o, ,~ }3ryce to warn 1170 VILLAGE OF MOUND ~io~icn w~,s made by ~. l:i]~i~;e, and sec~nd,~d 'o~ ?~r. rinkei, thet th~; ,.,~, ~ '~-,~ ~ ~-:!":~: "~q O0 item bills ]:,~ alio,~ed ~,"~d fa:i '?~ith ..... ~.,x~,~.ti~n . ,~. 31LLS aiti..~'oved as foii.m,~s: LIQUOR P'=:ime£ Di~tr:kbutin 'k.m:inS ~.,has ~a 3ev Pabs~ O~les C~nada Coca Cola 57.80 iSl.20 ~'8.30 90.48 ~ 15.85~ 9.36 9.84 Distiii:~£ Dis'cributin,:i $18.02'~ ~an:,sus ,Brands 658.06 '~ ils i g ;;. s I30 ope r 70.40 '~ ~lcrris Distr. 30.06v, 30UD & I'iTFREPT ~T.TTiD ditto 1000.00 100. O0 GEN!,RAL FUND .;liP, n~ t cnkz '~ ' ,: = lot d it ~0 i ii~und Oil ?ia. .:ud'~ Pu~ Oil PhiiiiDs 66 linaz Co. Philbrook Pure Oil O~. W~delis, Inc. Wiltur Thurk W~t=rn Union ~'ound ROJ. D FUiD Pure Oil E~ad'-~ Pure 01i · ound 011 247.80 6.6~, 14.33 lO0.55 1.84 15.40 58. OS 44.45 10.05 23.30 2.2B 10.83 ~;3 3.53 44.45 3.30 i0.00 ~.50 109.9 ? 13.50 U .'.~TER FUND Lo,.?renc e J~r o~,mins Lawrence ~Talker l~orman X:alker Pure Oi 1 'irma Pilot ~,o~md Oil~ ~+a.-, ~, 3ui'~ Pure Od! Philii"'~ o~ J. ?~iibu:- Thurk .Addre~ ogral-h qales l 'ound lla~dw are Inter,tat e o;'wer 35.00 8.75 8.~5 2~. 40 SO. ~0 3.32 8 2.04 i. 50 4.55 .$0 i41.80 ~;tka ~ .... ,.,,,n~ ur. 151. i4 ,, ~ e~ ellt W 0 alp. inst him.) VILLAGE OF MOUND 1171 (}.}.rob ~,~ ~ 0 U,~ 0 ~ ' I '~ continued ) !~otion ~=,4e by !i'. ;~'~,-~..~,', seconded meet~ ~ adjourn to reconven~ at 8 P.~. ~srcb 14th, 1950. Carried. ~.Jdj curried, 11 'P.:~. ~.I. Davie, l{ayor At,est: Clerk