1998-01-13MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2020 COMMERCE BLVD. MOUND, MN 55364 MINUTES OF JANUARY 13, 1998 The meeting was called to order by chairperson, Bob Polston at 7:OOPM in the council chambers of Mound City Hall. In attendance were the following: Mark Hams, Leah Weycker, Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen, Pinky Charon and Pauline Payne. The first item of business was the approval of the consent agenda which included the minutes of the December 9,1997 meeting and a list of bills totaling $ 8,969.37. A motion to approve was made by Andrea and seconded by Liz. The motion was called and passed unanimously. The next item of business was the Resolution number 97-6, Paying for roof repair. r" A motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Leah. The motion was called and passed unanimously. A motion to adjourn was made by Andrea seconded by Leah .The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. o Charon, Executive Director Date Bob Polston, Chairperson Date Respectfully submitted Karol C on, Executive Director 1 ,~-- MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ,..~ Indian Knoll Manor ~ Check No. VendorlMerchant oun Comments 1 3103 Westonka Sanitation 5155.93 2 3104 Park Su I 39.78 3 3105 Sams 71.36 4 3106 Water S ecialists 161.21 5 3107 Amen uard Ins 164.00 6 3108 Cit of Mound 941.59 7 3109 Advanta a Pa er 61.58 8 3110 AI's Master Plumbin 760.50 12902 1301012356 9 3111 GTE 244.12 10 3112 1KON 95.14 11 3113 MCI 5.48 12 3114 Minne asco 1 069.00 13 3115 M EI 138.00 14 3116 NSP 1 270.67 15 3117 Glenwood In lewood 13.42 16 3118 Coast to Coast 311.38 17 3119 Ko sa S Ivester 151.00 18 3120 MN De t of Econ 251.00 4 tr taxes 19 3121 Verified Credentials 15.00 20 3122 NAHRO 90.00 MN dues 21 3123 Ton Shanle 120.00 snow shovelin 22 3124 Karol Charon 12.63 office su lies 23 3125 BFI 39.65 24 3126 Bud et Li htin 111.68 25 3127 Sta Safe 36.39 26 3128 Be Kronholm 279.65 27 3129 Paul Kronholm 1 294.36 28 3130 Karol Charon 1 064.84 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TOTAL: TOTAL ACC. PAYABLE Begining Bank Bal. ~"~' Deposits MTD ENDING BANK BALANCE Sign~~ ~~ x8,969.37 58,969.37 521,414.96 510,040.43 52z,a8s.o2 AccPay 01/12/98 RESOLUTION N0.9'1-6 RESOLUTION TO USE $23,322.85 FROM THE LEVY ACCOUNT FOR ROOF REPAIR WHEREAS, Indian Knoll Manor building is in need of roof repair; and WHEREAS, Mound H.RA. has contacted the HUD office for assistance and was advised to apply for a CIAP Grant; and WHEREAS, Mound H.R.A. applied for this grant and inadvertently omitted one piece of the grant form when it was submitted to HUD and was therefore denied; and WHEREAS, Mound H.RA. contacted all of the possible legislative authorities for help and was told there was nothing they could do; and WHEREAS, The Mound H.RA. does not have enough money in the Mound H.RA. operating bank account and has been turned down for a C.LA.P. grant; and WHEREAS, The Mound H.RA. has a levy bank account with that amount of money available; and WHEREAS, The Mound H.R.A. Board is willing to lend the amount to repair the roof from the Mound Levy bank account, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the amount of $23,322.85 be paid out of the Mound H.R.A. Levy bank account and deposited in the operating account of the Mound H.RA. for roof repair. This amount is a loan to the Mound H.R.A. and will be considered a liability under other accounts payable. This loan will be paid back to the Levy account at the rate of $ 500.00 per month from the Mound H.RA operating account and no interest will be charged. For budget purposes, this expense will be considered an extraordinary ezpense. The foregoing resolution was moved by Mark Hanus and seconded by Leah Weycker. The following board member voted in the affirmative: Mark Hanus, Leah Weycker, Andrea Ahrens, Liz Jensen and Bob Polston. ~~~~~~ Date a / ~ 0 ~~~ Chairpers ~~ Date al. o ~ ecutive Director