1998-02-10/"~' MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2020 COMMERCE BLVD. MOUND, MN 55364 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 1998 The meeting was called to order by chairperson, Bob Polston at 7:OOPM in the council chambers of Mound City Hall. In attendance were the following: Mark Hanes, Leah Weycker, Andrea Ahrens, Pinky Charon and Pauline Payne. Liz Jensen was absent. The first item of business was the approval of the consent agenda which included the minutes of the January 13, 1998 meeting and a list of bills totaling $ 10,049.60. A motion to approve was made by Mark and seconded by Leah. The motion was called and passed i~na„imously. This next item of business was discussion of the March 1998 Board meeting. Pinky '~ will not be in the office the first week in March. Therefore, it was decided that the March Meeting will be moved to the 17~' of March 1998: A motion to adjourn was made by Andrea seconded by Mark. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM. Respectfully submitted Karol Ch~on, Executive Director Karol Charon, Executive Director Date ~~ Bob Polston, Chairperson Date I ~ MOUND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Indian Knotl Manor ,~-- ~ Check No. Vendor/Merchant m u Comments 1 3135 NSP s1 170.17 2 3136 BFI 39.65 3 3137 Glenwood 13.42 4 3138 Minne asco 1 069.00 5 3139 M E I 138.00 6 3140 AI's Master Plumbin 875.50 13071 13059 12856 7 3141 Ci of Mound 1 138.11 1303613037 8 3142 Ko sa 81.00 8 3143 Westonka 160.31 10 3144 McCombs Frank 485.50 11 3145 Park Su 1 504.94 door locks 12 3146 Sams Club 73.94 13 3147 Ikon 112.05 toner 14 3148 MCI 7.23 15 3149 Karol Charon 20.44 milea e 16 3156 Ton Shanle 240.00 snow shovelin 17 3150 Coast to Coast 371.77 18 3151 IRS 1 200.00 Jan Feb 19 3152 Paul Kronholm 1 144.20 20 3153 Be Kronholm 209.73 21 3154 Karol Charon 889.54 22 3155 Doroth K ck 105.10 securi de osit 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TOTAL: 510,049.60 TOTAL ACC. PAYABLE =10,049.60 Begining Bank Bal. =24,936.10 Deposits MTD :8,000.00 ENDING BANK BALANCE ;22,886.50 Sig~n~a,/ture• ~~~~ AccPay 02/09/98