1977-10-18 168 REGULAR MEETI":G OF THE CITY COUNCIL October lE, 1977 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepin County, P~tinnesota was held at 5341 P1aywood Road is said City on October 13, 1977 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were: ~layor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers: Gordon Swenson, Robert. Polston and Benjamin ~-lithhart. PUBLIC HEARING - NOP.TH ISLAND PARK STREET IMPROVEPIENTS The City Clerk presented an affidavit of publication in the official news- paper of the notice of public hearing on said street improvements. Said affidavit was then examined, approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk. City Engineer William "1cCombs presented a slide presention of proposed street improvements in the North Island Park area. He also described possible storm drainage in the area and the formula for assessments. The Mayor then opened the public hearing for input on said street improve- ments and persons present to do so were afforded an .opportunity to express their views thereon. Persons present offering questions and comments included: Richard Hartman, 2640 Shannon Lane Victor Anderson, 4636 Carlow Richard Payne, ~i739 Kildare Bill Burton, 4608 Carlow Connie Meyer, 4731 Carlow Joan Fox, 4525 Denbigh Tom Madonna, 4766 Kildare Louis Oberdeck, 2717 Clare Lane Ron Gehring, 3215 Charles Lane Jim Kluth, 4432 Denbigh Daniel Campbell, 4512 Montgomery h1rs. Lloyd Reistad, 4619 Carlow 1•!illiam Craig, 2645 Shannon The t-tayor then closed the public hearing. Councilmember Fenstad arrived at 7:45 p.m. Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-469 RESOLUTION TO tJA1VE THE READING AND ORDEP. THE IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECT THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS ,4ND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 77-70 (NORTH ISLAND PARK) Poll call vote: Fenstad - Aye Swenson - Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - Aye 1~!ithhart - Aye The Mayor then re-opened the public hearing on tl~e Langdon Lane street im- provement project. No persons were present to offer comments or questions and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion ,/ V RESOLUTION 77-470 RESOLUTION TO 4•!A1l'E THE READING AND OgDER THE I MPRCVE"~1ENTS AiJD D I RECT THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLA"1S A"1D SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT 77-66 (LANGDON I_A~IE) Roll call vote: Fenstad - aye Swenson - Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - Aye Withhart - Aye t69 The Mayor then re-opened the public hearing on the Langdon Heights-Beachwood street improvement project. No persons were present to offer comments or questions and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Polston moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTIOiJ 77-471 RESOLUTION TO t<!AI'!E TbIE READIPJG AMD ORDER THE I MPROVEi•tENTS f'.PJD D I P.ECT THE ENG 1 "JEER TO PREPP,RE PLANS :1NI3 SPEC 1 F t C/~T I QiJS FOR PROJECT 77-6g (L1'~•."JGDON HEIGHTS-BEACH!JOOD). Roll call vote: Fenstad - Rye Swenson ~ .Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - .4ye 41i thhart - Aye The Mayor then reopened the public hearing on the Three Points-Pvocet to Gull street improvement project. No persons were present to offer comments or questions and the P1ayor then closed the public hearing. Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION) 77-472 RESOLUTION TO l~tAl~lE THE iEADING AND ORDER THE IMPROVEMENJTS ,qND DIRECT THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLQ.NS AND SPECtF1CATI0NS FQR PROJECT 77-71 (THREE POINTS-AVOCET TO GULL) Roll call vote: Fenstad - Aye Swenson - Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - Aye 'rlithhart ~ Aye The Mayor then re-opened the public hearing on the Tonkawood - East and West street improvement project. No persons were present to offer comments or questions and the Mayor then closed the public hearing. Poison moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-473 RESOLUTION TO !!AI'!E THE READING AND ORDER THE IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECT THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PP,QJECT 77-68 (TONICAblOOD -EAST APJD dIEST) P,ol 1 cat 1 vote: Fenstad - Aye Swenson - Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - Aye blithhart - Aye Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-474 RESOLUTION! DIP,ECTING THE ENGINJEER TO COMBINE THE PRQJECTS FOR BIDDING AS ONE PROJECT. Roll call vote: Fenstad - P,ye Swenson - Aye Lovaasen - Aye Polston - Aye ~dithhart - Aye _ _ _ /' ._~. w,. 17a ~lATERMAIN - BALS.gM AFJD SPRUCE blithhart moved and Polston seconded a motion PESOLUTION 77-475 RESOLUTION APPIZOI~ I PIG THE RELOCATION OF THE b1ATERMAIN IN THE AREA OF SPRUCE AND BALSAM AS RECOrI!":EPJDED BY THE PUBLIC !•'ORl<S DIRECTOR. The vote was unanimously in favor. S N 0!•1 P L O~J I tJ G B I D S Fenstad moved and blithhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-476 RESOLIJT I ON A'aARD I NG SNO~rI PLOLJ I NG CONTRACT TO ILLIES & SOPJS IT BEING THE OPJLY BID P.ECE I VED. The vote was unanimously in favor. BINGO PERMITS Fenstad moved anal Polston seconded a motion PESOLUTION 77-477 RESOLUTION APPROUING ISSUAPJCE OF BINGO PERMITS AND b1AlUING THE BOND AND FEE REQUIREMENTS. The vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-478 RESOLUTION P,UTHORIZtPJG APJD DIRECTINr, APPLI- CATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE LOTS 1-g INCL.,BLOCK 13, AP,I).E,J..FOR;~PP!RK PURPOSES. The vote was unanimously in favor. Withhart moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-47g RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIPJG APPLI- CATION FOR CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE LOTS 7,8 & 9, BLOCK 25, DE`~f0!'1 FOR !dETLANDS The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and 6Jithhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION) 77-480 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APJD DIRECTIPJG APPLI- CATION FOP. CONVEYANCE FROM THE STATE LOT 35, AUDITOR'S SURD. 167 APJD LOT 29, LAFAYETTE PAP,K FOR b1ETLAPJDS. The vote was unanimously in favor. Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-481 RESOLlJTIOPJ AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF LOT 21, BLOCK 7, AR~EPJ r1ND LOT 4, BLOCK 7, ARDEN FOR PUBLIC SALE. The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-482 RESOLUTIOP•I AUTHORIZING TAX FORFEIT UNDER- SIZED LOTS TO BE WITHHELD FROM SALE. The vote was unanimously in favor. l71 S I DEW,4LKS The Council determined to take no action on this item at this time. VOTING EQU I PMEPIT !•Jithhart moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-4~3 P,ESOLUT I ON OPPOS I tJG SF1 186 - A B ILL TO OU1"LAt~! ELECTROPJ I C AND PUNCH CARD VOTIPlG SYSTEMS, The vote was unanimously in favor and the Council requested a copy of the resolution be sent to the League of Minnesota Cities.. PUBL I C HEALTH tJURS I tJG S ERV I C E Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-484 The vote was unanimously in favor. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE CtTY COUNCIL AS THE BOARD Or NE,4LiH, Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-485 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI~aG THE MAYOR AND M,4NAGER TO SIGN THE JOINT PO~IERS AGREEMENT FORMING A SUBURBAN NUP,SING SERVICE GROUP, The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and !Jithhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 77-486 The vote was unanimously in favor. RESOLUTION APPOIt~JTING MAYOR T(M LOVAASEN A DIRECTOR TO THE JOI;dT POWERS BOARD OF DIR- ECTORS. Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion to amend Resolution 77-439 to authorize a contribution to only one nursing service. The vote was unanimously in favor. WELL NUMBER Fenstad moved and Withhart seconded a motion. RESOLUTION 77-487 RESOLUTION DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND AUTH- ORIZING THE REPAIR OF WELL NUMBER S. The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT No persons offered comments or suggestions at this time. INFOP.MATION t1EMOR.ANDUt1 77-182 The City Manager informed the Council of recent action in the Continental Tele- phone case.. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION) 77-488 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MAYOR TO DIRECT A LETTER TO THE GOVERNOR REGARDING THE CON- . TINENTAL TELEPHONE MATTER. The vote was unanimously in favor. 172 INFORMATIO[•J PIEMORAI•lDUM 7]-1R3 The City Planner informed the Council of progress with the Overall Economics Development Program. '~lithhart moved and Swenson seconded a motion of support of the action taken by the City staff as regards the Overal Economic Development Program. The vote was unanimously in favor. Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion to adjourn to the Public Works Meeting on October 24, 1977 at 7:OJ p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried and adjourned. ~`1ary H Marske, City Clerk Treasurer o r '~ ~~~ Leonard L. :Copp, City Man g J 1