1967-04-18~i]_nutes of the meeting of April 15, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. at i-,he Island Park Hall PiE3SNiT,, . "liRE: Mayor Gordon Tulberg~ Trustees James 3cruton and James Regan;_ Attorney ourt~s Pearson; Engineer William Mil!s~ Manager Leonsrd WATER PATROL TE:ffPORARY ~ADQUARTERS Vernon A. Anderson, HenneDin County Water Patrol CaDtain appear.,~d before the council and requested use of Lot !~, Block 2 Shad.~a~ood Point as temporary hea,!quarters :For the Henmepin County Water Patrol until their new headqxarters would be ready, mrobably this coming boatin~ season. He has the ~ermission of the o~mer to use the building and a lot across the street for ~oarking~ the neighbors are in accord, with the use the oroperty is ~rooosed for. ~,an moved and ~cruton seconctes the mo~ion 2.:~ !~ HOVED~ the Village Council of the Villaee of Hmmd authorize the use of Lot !~ Block 2 Shad.)~,~ood as headquart ,'r~ for the Hennemin· Co mty Water Patrol until their new building would be ready for occuDancy. 'The vo,te was unanimously in favor~ so carried. USE OF h'~rmTV~? lOT ?TRGgT OLSON PRC:'u,~TY Lynwood ~ .ApDearing were: Frank Kelly, Attorney~ Clifford Anderson~ prospective buyer and Lindlan~ real estate agent. $cruton moved and Regan seconded a motion R~ ~O ..t. IzON 67-66 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Tutberg Aye So resolve~ 'q?,~?!r"4 $1T OF INTERSST ON JOmJSON OLSON PiCPERTY o 't~ ~eRan moved and oc~ ~ton seconded a motion ,v~,i' xf-r r,*,pv n~'.~ ,%I,ID",E NG PA IFTNn B ~Pt',tiZN AND IN TERC HANG Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye 2e~an Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved STATE AID ROAD m :~ _ - ~ux~do !load duscussed at lenf[th William Mills, Engineer exo!ained the project. TAX FORFEIT 1AND Scruton moved and itegan secor~ded a motion Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Re ?an Aye Tulbe rg Aze So resolved Iv?T~.:rtCIPAL STf~TE ..~ID- 67-1 Regan moved and Scruton seconded a motion SPEFICA~ONS ~OR ~[ff~ZCIP.&L ST~.~ AID ROAD * Tuxedo Ro~d Roll Call Vote ~cruton Aye Regan Aye Tulbe rg Aye So resolved '?ROFESSIONAL APPRAISER Regan moved, and Scruton seconded a motion BE IT MOVED, The Village Council of the Village of Mound authorize and direct the Village Manager to hire orofessional appraisers to aporaise all land needed for the Municioal~State Aid Project on Tuxedo Road The vote was unanmmoasly in favor so c, tried. ~ SEM~E~TS Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion BE IT MOVEi), the Village Council of the Village of Mound does authorize and direct the attorney and. the village manager' to prepare the necessary d&ta to procure easements for the Municipal i~t~e Aid project. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. ~RIVA TE ALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Easthouse appeared tm discuss the improvement of a ~ri~te alley from Radnor to Manchester Lane, the matter was disc,,~ssed - no action taken 3.2 BEER LICENSES Scruton moved and Regan seconded a:.motion BE IT MOY:~D, the Village Council of the Village of Mound. grant 3.2 On Sale Beer License to Del-Mar Supper Club, and 3.2 Off Sale Beer Licenses to Del-Mar Sup,oer Club~ Grimm's Store and Qik and Ezy. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. LICENSES - Games of Skill~ Juke Box and Restaurant and Cigarette - Regan moved and Scruton seconded the motion BE IT MOVED, the Village Council of the Village of Mound grant licenses for Games of .Skill to: A1 and A~na's, Paul's Store and Del Mar Supper Club; Juke Box licenses to: A1 and Almas, Paul's S%~e~ ~nd Del-Mar Supner Club; Restaurano' ~ Licenses to: A1 and Alma's~ Lentscb.'s Cafe and Del-Mar Sunper. Club; Cigarette License to Babler's Boat Club. The :~ote una~imously in favor so carried and granted. IMPROV~Ek~f OF BASSWOOD ~.AN= 67-2 Scruton moved and Regan seconded a motion RE'~OLUTION 67-70 RESOLUTION AUI~ORIZING AND DIRECTING PRILIMINARY REPORT ON I~,~ROVi~MENT OF BASSWOOD !J~NE FROM CHURCH WAY TO TONYAWOOD ROAD (Paving, Curb ~nd Gutter, Storm Drainage) Engineer ¥~m Mills Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved GAS PEEM!TS Regan moved and Scranton seconded a motion RE3OLr!TION 67-71 Roll Call Vote Scruton Aye Regan Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved Ri;C:IYfT!ON TO ALLOW THE T ..... ~_NoTALIJT~ON OF C!;iRTAIN GAS MAINS BILLS The ~o!lo~ing bills were presented for consideration. Scruton moved amd ~egan seconded a motion to Ua:/ the following bills where funds are available. %he vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. Village of Mound~ Minnesota Bills for April 18~ 1967 ADP~NiST~ITION NorVhern States Power FiP~E FUND No. vner.~ States STREET Northern States Powe-~~ .06 79f.92 .~UOR Northern States Power Wayne Jcyce R~ND Northern States Power Sa,ffER OPERATING ~TND Northern ~va~es Power Buds Pure Oil Total ~o here 3,231.h9 f Ploetz on Westinghouse case - Council says to drom it and not try to ~et attorneys fees swarded. DE~.D '~ '~'ir° IN ~ recom~.endatio_~ that Pat Wilson ~. ??. .... ~ THREE POINTS- com~cil a~re~ ~d ~.~i th Manager's remove the trees at his regular ho~riy rate plus ~0~ for his saw per hour. CO, ITeL REPORTS James Regan reported on Planning Commission land study Multiele B ~lling - ~.[% - 2~% built upon Commercial Land - 7~ built ueon Apartments - 26h units, 108 in Marina Manor - 80% full only 21 availsble Recommendation that any further rezoning to MultipieDwe!ling be in areas that adjoin Multiple Dwelling zoned areas James ReEan also reported that indirectly the council was aCked if they would like a traffic court 5.n Mound. (Sals Adams via Leonard Bargman to Re~an) M.~yor Tulberg reported on the Nomina ~ing Committee of the Hennepin County ~unicipal League and announced that he was up for Board of Directors in the com~_ng election of the league. The meet±ng was adjourned until the meet.lng of April 2~, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. at the Mound Village 0ffice. Attest: Gordon Tulberg~ Ma~or