1967-10-26MINUTES OF A~JOURNE~'MEETING OF OCTOBER 26, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. at the Village Office Present: Mayor Tulberg~ Trustees Regan, Scruton, Anderson and Fenstad Attorney Pearson and Vi!la~e ~(anager Ko'cp Also candidates Andreasen, Miller and Johnson PR i~RY ~LEOTION Anderson moved and Regan seconded the motion R~OLUTION 67-228 R~.CLUTICM INVALIDATING PRIMARY ELECTION Rol~ Call Vote HELD OCTOBER 2~, 1967 Anderson Aye Fenstad AMe Regan Aye Scr~ton Abstained .q~lberg Aye So resolved. Anderson moved and Regan seconded the motion OLUTION 67-229 ~ Ca'!l Vote £cruton Abstain Fenstad Abstain Re ga n Ay e Anderson Aye Tulberg Aye So resolved. RaoOLUTI(,~ P~!:TABLISHING G~ERAL ~LECTION Meeting adjourned to November 8,, 1967 Mayor Tulberg ~ Att es ~: .~.~..- -,-' .. ~ - ~-x-- \ ) Leonard L.~o,vp / !