1969-08-19 INUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1969 a- i MOUND VILLAGE OFFICE Pre~ent: l~yor Fenstad, Councilmen Peterson, And_~easen, Village Manager Kopp and Engineer Mills. ABUt Miss of ~ ridi me re DIEt Pete Roi Al S( S~ P~ F~ S( CO[] RES( Roll S( P~ F, S, Att E OF PEDESTRIAN RIGHTS Kenehan, 4519 Manchester Road, appeared before the, lagrant abuse of pedestrian rights by parking bicycl, ng two snd three abreast on sidewalks. Also about m. handise on the sidewalk. SNER LANE & SMABER LANE rson moved and Andreasen seconded a motion ~LUTION NO. 69-179 · Call Vote Ldrea sen Aye hmidt Aye 'enson Aye ~terson Aye ,nstad Aye resolved. RESOLUTION APPRO SPECIFICATIONS - Lane, Harrison S INING PROJECTS FOR BIDDING ~easen moved and Peterson seconded a motion ~LUTION NO. 69-180 · Call Vote ~drea sen Aye :hmidt Aye renson Aye ~terson Aye ~nstad Aye resolved. RESOLUTION APPR0 TIONS, COMBINING AND ORDERING ADV Project 68-16 - Project 68-20 - Project 69-22 - Project 69-24 - .otion, meeting adjo~rned to August 26, 1969. Unanim 7:30 P.M. Schmidt and Swenson, ~ouncil complaining ~s on sidewalks and ~rchants placing ~ING PLANS AND Diessner Lane & Smaber ~ores - Project 69-24 ~ING PLANS AND SPECIFICA- PROJECTS FOR BIDDING ~TISEMENT FOR BIDS Bay Ridge Street & Gutter Aspen Road Bay Ridge Storm Sewer Diessner Lane ously carried. Orval Fens~d, Mayor st: