1978-03-28March 28, 1978 046 a REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mound, Hennepln County, Minnesota was held at 5341Maywood Road in said City on March 28, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. Those present were: Mayor Tim Lovaasen, Councilmembers Orval Fenstad, Gordon Swenson, Robert Polston and Benjamin Withhart. Also present were City Manager Leonard L. Kopp, City Attorney Curtis A. Pearson, City Engineer William McCombs and City Clerk Mary H. Marske. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1978 were presented for consideration. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1978 as presented. The vote was unanimously in favor. TRUCK BIDS The Council briefly reviewed the bids received for a truck for the Parks Department. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-129 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE PURCHASE OF A TRUCK FOR THE PARK DEPARTMENT TO THE LOW BIDDER - ITEN CHEVROLET - IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,231.35. The vote was unanimously in favor. WATER METER BIDS Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion to table this item until later in the meet- ing after the Attorney and Public Works Director confer on the matter. The vote was unanimously in favor. COUNTY ROAD 15 BY-PASS Dennis Hanson representing the County Highway Department appeared before the Council to respond to any questions regarding the County Road 15 by-pass. The Mayor opened the meeting for comments from persons present. Persons presenting questions or comments included: Dick Segner, 5477 Lynwood Boulevard Mrs. J. Gellman, 3056 Highland Boulevard Don English, 2250 Commerce Boulevard Vern Anderson, 2342 Commerce Boulevard Bob Casey, 2271 Commerce Boulevard Bill Netka, 2313 Commerce Boulevard Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion March , 1978 047 RESOLUTION 78-130 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HENNEPIN COUNTY TO ACQUI'RE RIGHT-OF-WAYs. PERMITS AND/OR EASE~ MENTS REQUIRED FOR COUNTY ROAD 15 BY~PASS WITH SAID LAYOUT NO. 11 ALTERNATE #1. The vote was unanimously in favor. STREET CONSTRUCTION AND WATER EXTENSION Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-131 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE A PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR WATER SERVICE ON CHURCH ROAD. The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-132 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY REPORT OF WATER AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONG BLOCK 5 & 7, LAKE- SIDE PARK, A.L. CROCKERS 1ST DIVISION The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion. RESOLUTION 78-133 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO INCLUDE THE WATER AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALONG BLOCK 5 & 7, LAKESIDE PARK INTO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIDS FOR THE 1978 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. The vote was unanimously in favor. WATER METER BIDS Fenstad moved and Polston seconded a motion to bring back on the table the water meter bids. The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-134 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE PURCHASE OF WATER METERS TO THE LOW BIDDER - NEPTUNE WATER METER CO. - AND AWARD THE PURCHASE OF THE OUTSIDE READERS TO THE LOW BIDDER - BADGER METER CO. AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ATTOR- NEY. The vote was unanimously in favor. STREET CONSTRUCTION - CARLOW ROAD Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion 048 RESOLUTION 78-135 March 28, 1978 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ENGINEER TO PROCEED TO MAKE THE NECESSARY CHANGES TO ALLOW ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY AT THE EASTERLY END OF CARLOW ROAD The vote was unanimously in favor. TAX FORFEIT LAND Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-136 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE DIVISION OF THE PRO- PERTY IN BLOCK 26, WYCHWOOD AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN COUNCIL MEMORANDUM 78-88 The vote was unanimously in favor SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT Swenson moved and Polston seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-137 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CANCELLATION OF THE SUPPLE- MENTAL ASSESSMENT OF $834.40 ON LOTS 10 & 11, AND PARTS OF LOTS 12, 13 AND 15, BLOCK 14, AVALON The vote was unanimously in favor. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FROM CITIZENS PRESENT Mrs. J. Gellman asked what kind of water problem was experienced on Highland recently. DOCK PERMITS Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-138 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF THE DOCK PER- MITS AS PRESENTED BY THE DOCK INSPECTOR The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Withhart seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-139 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE DOCK INSPECTOR TO APPLY FOR THE NECESSARY PERMIT FROM THE LAKE MINNETONKA CONSERVATION DISTRICT. The vote was unanimously in favor. Polston moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-140 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK/TREASURER TO WITHHOLD PAYMENT OF THE L.M.C.D. DUES UNTIL THE LAWSUIT IS SETTLED AND OTHER DELINQUENT MEMBERS ARE PAID UP. The vote was unanimously in favor. March 28~ 1 78 049 SIDEWALK REPAIR ORDINANCE The Council determined to take no action on this item at this time. DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS Fenstad moved and Swenson seconded a motion RESOLUTION 78-141 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLS TO BE HELD AT 7:30 P.M. ON APRIL 18, 1978. The vote was unanimously in favor. PAYMENT OF BILLS Swenson moved and Withhart seconded a motion to approve payment of the bills as presented on the prelist in the amount of $263,884.48 where funds are available. Roll call vote was unanimously in favor, so carried. INFORMATION MEMORANDUMS The Council determined to discuss Public Works items at the meeting of April 4, 1978. The memo regarding the sign ordinance and political signs was tabled. Polston moved and Lovaasen seconded a motion approving a temporary sign be allowed at the Community Center regarding "fuel bills" waiving fees and bond requirements. The vote was unanimously in favor. Withhart moved and Polston seconded a motion to authorize the City Manager to negotiate outside the salary range set for a City Planner. The vote was unanimously in favor. Swenson moved and Lovaasen seconded a mo~ion authorizing Councilmember With- hart to attend the West Hennepin Human Services meeting as the official re- presentative of the Council. The vote was unanimously in favor. The possibility of the termination of C.E.T.A. Funds was discussed and Councilmembers were urged to contact their Senators and Representatives. A suggestion was made to place more waste receptacles in the downtown area. The Council requested the staff to submit comments regarding the bike paths and necessary improvements. ADJOURNMENT Swenson moved and Fenstad seconded a motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting on April 4, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. The vote was unanimously in favor, so carried and adjourned. Mary' H~rMarske, City Clerk/Treasurer