1984-09-06179 September 6, 1984 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL The City Council of the Mound, Hennepin County, Minnesota, met in special session on September 6, 1984, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Pinky Charon, Phyllis Jessen, Gary Paulsen and Russ Peterson. Also present were: City Manager Jon Elam, Police Chief Lenny Harrell. City Clerk Fran Clark and the following interested citizens: Nancy Clough, Clara Paz, Harold Meeker, Ralph Paz, Gregg & Connie Murray. Mike Murray, Steve Smith, Frank Ahrens, Buzz Sycks, Kathy Kluth, Larry Connolly. The Mayor opened the meeting and explained that this is an information meeting for the purpose of providing the citizens of Mound with information on the City's financial condition and to solicit suggestions regarding the 1985 City Budget. The City Manager presented a 22 page document about City finances in 1984. This included information on the following: 1. How 1984 taxes were distributed among taxing authorities. 2. Assessed valuation for the past 4 years and what role it plays in taxes.' 3. How mills are computed and how the total property taxes payable are determined. 4. An example of how Mound's mill rate ranks with the other 46 cities in Hennepin County. It ranks 26. 5. A comparison of how Mound compares to 6 other cities in per capita taxes. 6. A comparison of how Mound compares to 6 other. cities in assessed value per capita. 7. A comparison of how 5 other cities compare to Mound in productive efficiency by dividing the population by the number of employees. 8. General Fund summary of revenues and expenditures 1984 Approved, 1984 Projected, and 1985 Proposed. 9. General Fund revenue 1984 Approved. 1984 Projected, and 1985 Proposed. 10. A breakdown of City costs for 1984. 11. Tax breakdown of a home in Three Pointsarea, Highland area. lakeshore and Island Park. 12. Number of homestead residential properties. 13. 1984 salary analysis. 14. Staffing pattern and salary comparison of Lake area police agencies.. 15. List of City assisted business development projects 1982-1984. 16. List of new or relocated businesses. 180 September 6~ 1984 17. List of businesses that have left Mound or gone out of business and what is in its place. 1981-1984. The Mayor then opened the meeting to the public for comments and suggestions. HAROLD MEEKER. 5132 Waterbury Road. Stated of reading all the negative items that h newspaper. He has taken the time to talk to and the City Staff and find out the answers and feels the City Council and the Staff are job. that he is tired ave been in the the City Council to his questions all doing a fine GREGG M URRAY. 2717 Shannon Lane. Stated that he thought this meeting would pertain more to the proposed 1985 Budget. He also stated that he would like to see a copy of the last two previous years Budgets. His concern was about the Police Department because Orono only pays $33.000 per square mile for what they cover and Mound pays X100.000 per square mile. He stated he felt the Police budget is way too high. He suggested that the City look into contracting with Orono for police protection and save approximately $200.000. Mound only covers 42 miles of paved roads and Orono covers 112 miles of improved and unimproved roads. He further stated that he is irratated with the Police Department because they seem to be patroling the softball fields in excess. Police Chief Lenny Harrell stated that Mound answers m ore calls for service than Orono. In comparing the number of calls this year Mound has answered approximately 4000. which does not include tickets and Orono who logs every call. including tickets. approximately 4400. The FBI recommends 1.5 officers per 1.000 of population. Councilmem ber Peterson stated that the number of people served is a big factor to consider. GREGG HURRAY stated that he feels Orono is something Mound should con: idea as a way to save money. Orono's on the following formula: 5096 population. 12 1/2~ miles of road and area. that contracting with >ider and he offers the charges would be based assessed value. 2596 12 1/296 square miles of Mayor Polston stated that basing costs on assessed valuation Mound would be the looser. Councilmember Charon stated that she feels officer per capita is important. Police Chief Harrell asked Mr. Murray how many police officers he thought worked in a shift. Mr. Murray stated he was only 181 September 6, 1984 interested in Wednesday between the hours of 6 and 10 P.M. The Police Chief stated that there are 2 per 4600 people-but that there are 26 volunteer reserves who also are helping out at no cost to the taxpayers of Mound. STEVE SMITH. 4701 Tuxedo Blvd. Stated that the previous questioner asked to see the last two previous years budgets and that he has researched the State Statutes and finds that the City Manager is directed to show the 2 previous years budgets when presenting the proposed budget. He asked why the City Manager was not adhering to the Statutes and asked the Council how they can compare and approve a budget when they don't have the last 2 years to compare. Mayor Polston stated that the handout tonight is not the formal Budget document and that it has not been completed yet. This is an informal informational meeting on the City finances and a chance for the public to give input as to what they would like to see in the proposed 1985 Budget for services. etc. The formal Budget hearings are scheduled for September 17 and 19 and the public will have access to the proposed budget before those dates. The public is more than welcome to a copy of the proposed. budget which will comply with the Statutes. FRANK AHRENS, 4673 Island View Drive. Stated that the Governor wants tax relief as his major thrust. in the 1985 Legislative Session and he would like to see the City do their part to hold down costs. He feels there has been a dramatic increase in taxes in the last several years. He also stated that he wanted a copy of the proposed Budget before tonight. He would also like to know w hat the Council's goals and objectives are. i.e. how many roads will be seal coated. etc. Mayor Polston stated that he applauds the Governor for his tax relief position and he hopes that he will be able to do something about that tax situation. The Mayor then restated that the proposed Budget will be available to the public for inspection before the Budget hearings. BUZZ SYCKES, Beachwood Road. Stated that there are still unanswered questions about the January Mpls. Star article about Mound being the 3rd highest city in Hennepin County as far as taxes. The City Manager stated that that article referred to the city in 1981 and 1982 not the present. That was because when he came in 1981 there had been excessived spending in the previous two years, and the reserves were down to practically nothing. The City did not have the insurance coverage it should have had. The City Council made cutbacks in personnel at that time but still had to increase the millrate to avoid bankruptcy. 182 September 6. 198 The Mayor thanked the people who came and offered suggestions. _ Charon moved and Paulsen seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:35 P.M. The vote Was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. G~~ on Elam. City Manager ~~~~ ~ Fran Clark. City Clerk