1984-09-26200 September 26, 1984 SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL The City Council of the Mound, Hennepin County,- Minnesota, met in special session (Special Budget Meeting), on September 26, 1984, at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers at 5341 Maywood Road, in said City. Those present were: Mayor Bob Polston, Councilmembers Pinky Charon, Phyllis Jessen, and Russ Peterson. Gouncilmember Paulsen arrived late at 7:25 P.M. Also present were: City Manager Jon Elam, City Clerk Fran Clark, Finance Director Sharon Legg, Police Chief Lenny Harrell, Public Works Superintendent Geno Hoff, Sewer & Water Superintendent Greg Skinner, Park Director Chris Bollis, Fire Chief Bob Cheney, Liquor Store Manager Joel Krum m, Building Inspector Jan Bertrand, and the following interested citizens: Bev Prouty, Jane Skinner, Joyce Nelson, Gregg Murray, Bill Holm, Frank Ahrens, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Wolner, Buzz Sycks, Steve Smith. The Mayor opened the meeting and explained that he will not allow this to become a political debate.. It is a budget hearing to allow the City Council to review the proposed 1985 Budget. The City Manager explained that the highlights of this proposed Budget include projected revenues for the General Fund of $1,706,011 and expenses of $1,661,349, leaving a balance of $44,662. He then went over some of the expected revenues the City will receive in 1985. That is an increase over last year of 5.07. The expenses are up approximately 5.377. ~He explained that the expenditure level that is being proposed is different than the property tax level that is being proposed. In looking at the levy for 1985, there is only an increase of 4.3~ over 1984. If you look at the tax levies over the past four years there is a total increase of $94,772 or 9.04 which averages out to 2.26% per year. The 4.3~ increase is about a point less than the expeditures because of the increase in State Aid and other revenues that the City generates as a part of regular business. The Council then started at the beginning of the Budget and went over each department. CITY COUNCIL The City Manager went over some of the specific line items in the City Council Budget and explained what they include. The Mayor asked if there was anyone who had a question or comment on the proposed Council Budget for 1985. No one responded. 201 September 26. 1984 The Mayor stated he would like to see. the Senior Citizen Caunseling Program included in the proposed 1985 Budget. He stated he feels it is a worthwhile program. He asked the City Manager how many cases this program handled. The City Manager stated approximately 35 or 36. Councilmember Jessen stated that she felt the costs where quite high for the number of cases they handle. She would like to see this program coordinated with at the Senior Center. The City Manager explained that the new expenditure in this Budget is the Senior Citizen Coordinator (Kathy Bailey) which is her 1/2 of her salary and next year we will be taking on the other 1/2 of her salary. The City Manager explained that the LMCD may be reducing their dues about $4.000 because they will be assessing Commons Docks at the rate of X10.00 per dock. They did not previously assess municipalites for their docks only marinas etc. He will know about this better later this month or next month. If this is done the City could pass this $10.00 fee on to the dock holders of Commons Docks and could still fund the Senior Citizen Counseling Program. He will keep the Council informed on this. CITY MANAGER/CITY CLERK The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on the City Manager/City Clerk's Budget. Councilmember Peterson asked for a clarification on the salaries as to w hat the proposed. percentage increase is for both the City Manager and the City Clerk. The Manager replied 4.0~ for himself and 5.5~ for the City Clerk. ELECTIONS/VOTER REGISTRATION The City Manager went over the proposed Budget with the Council. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. ASSESSING The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. FINANCE The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. Finance Director Sharon Legg was present and went over some of the items with the Council. 202 September 26. 1984 LEGAL The City Manager went over the proposed Budget with the Council stating that these fees are in line with what other cities are paying. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. POLICE Police Chief Lenny Harrell was present and presented his proposed Budget. There were several questions from the Council on specific line items such as 4381 Auto Equip. Repair and 4500 Capital Outlay. The Police Chief explained that the Auto Equip. Repair is for normal maintenance on the squad cars and the Capital Outlay included 1 new radar unit and 1 new squad car. He is looking into smaller police cars when we replace a car for economy. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on the proposed Budget. Steve Smith asked w by there were no salary sheets with the breakdown for each employee in this years budget. The City Manager replied that some employees were upset that these figures were in last years budget and because the Council is only approving the overall budgets now and salaries are not set until December. PLANNING & INSPECTION Building Inspector Jan Bertrand was present and went over her proposed Budget with the Council. She explained that the the City is trying to have this department be self-supporting with the fees charged. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. Bev Prouty asked if the Dock Inspectorts salary was in the Planning & Inspection Budget. The City Manager answered no. it is in the Park Dept. Budget. Frank Ahrens stated that his is concerned about the General Fund and as a taxpayer wants- to see the Council hold the line on expenditures.. He stated he would like to see the contract with Hennepin County for assessing services terminated and that he is sure the City could hire someone for less than $37 000. 203 September 26. 1984 CIVIL DEFENSE Police Chief Harrell explained that this proposed budget is for the Police Reserve unit operating supplies. The Unit itself is self-supporting. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. STREET DEPARTMENT Street Superintendent Geno Hoff was present and explained his proposed Budget- noting that the salaries were increasing 5.5~ under the present three year union contract that was negotiated last year. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. SHOP ~ STORE Mr. Hoff explained that this is the City mechanists catagory and he explained the proposed Budget. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. There were none. CITY PROPERTY ~ BUILDINGS The City Manager explained that this is a catch-all catagory which covers expenses such as electric. garbage. gas. etc. and some maintenance on City Hall. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. Frank Ahrens asked how much land in Mound is tax forfeit. The City Manager stated that it has been a priority project since he has been here to get the tax forfeit lots back on the tax roles. PARKS Park Director Chris Bollis was present and explained his proposed Budget. The Mayor asked if there -were any questions or comments on the proposed Budget.. Bev Prouty asked is the City is using fertilizer in the parks around the lake. Chris Bollis answered yes because in high use areas such as parks you have to fertilize to keep the grass. 204 September 26. 1984 Councilmember Charon asked what was being done to combat the weeds in the swimming beach areas. Chris Bollis stated that he does not like to use chemicals in the lake and therefore has had some weed harvesting done. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Bob Cheney was present and explained his proposed budget. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments on this proposed Budget. Frank Ahrens asked if the City writes new contracts every year with the contracting cities. The City Manager stated that the costs change but the contract is an ongoing thing unless either party cancels it. Frank Ahrens asked if this type of contract has been looked into for the Police Dept. Mayor Polston stated that if any other cities were interested in contracting with Mound for police protection the City would pursue it but that the City would not go out and actively promote it. Councilmember Paulsen stated that he felt if other cities wanted Mound's Police protection their citizens should go and suggest it to the other City Councils. The City Manager stated that he has talked to the Mayor of Shorewood and they really feel that with the mutual aid pact they have the best of two worlds. When they get a call and are not close they call Mound to respond at no cost to them. The City Manager also stated that at Mr. Murray's suggestion that Mound contract with Orono for Police protection. the City did go over the Orono formula and talk with the Orono Police Chief who stated that they could not service Mound for any less than Mound's Police Budget. Frank Ahrens asked Fire Chief Bob Cheney if the Fire Department had ever considered what it would cost to have only Mound and not contract with other cities. The Fire Chief stated that with all the contracting cities paying their fair share of the costs. the result is better equipment better response time and a Class 5 fire rating for insurance purposes w hick costs less m oney for each citizen. Herbert Wolner asked what cities are contracting with Mound for fire protection. The Fire Chief answered. Mound. part of Minnetrista. Spring Park, part of Shorewood Minnetonka Beach and part of Orono. 205 September 26~ 1984 The Council decided to adjourn this meeting and continue with the Special Funds tomorrow evening. Paulsen moved and Peterson seconded a motion to adjourn at 10:15 P.M. until tomorrow evening at 7:00 P.M. The vote was unanimously in favor. Motion carried. on Elam City Manager Fran Clark City Clerk