1989-11-21MINUTES - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1989 The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:30 PM. Members present: Mayor Smith, Councilmember Lez Jensen, Phyllis Jessen, Skip Johnson, Andrea Ahrens. Absent: None. Also present: City Manager Ed Shukle. The City Manager Performance Evaluation was discussed. It was the consensus to continue with individually evaluating the City Manager and not to discuss this at a group setting, i.e., regular council. meeting or the Committee of the Whole. It was the consensus to do it annually and also to revise the evaluation form. Suggestions were made with regard to the form: 1. Provide a rating scale that has five ratings 2. Need better questions 3. Need to set goals Also discussed was the need for the Council to evaluate itself as it relates to setting goals and objectives. It was the consensus that it was difficult to set goals for the city manager without having goals as a city council. Discussion led into community surveys. The Council reviewed the attitude survey that was prepared by the city manager. They also reviewed the Economic Development Commission's survey that was prepared by the EDC. The Council felt that obtaining information from the community with regard to the City and its services is valuable information that could be used in developing goals for the city manager and setting a mission statement for the City. By undertaking surveys, possibly by February 1990, goals and a mission statement could be set for 1990. The Council reviewed the EDC~s survey and suggested changes in it. The EDC survey and the attitude survey will be combined to be placed within the January 1990 Newsletter. The City Manager distributed information from David Arndorfer, Consultant for the LMCD. It is material that will be discussed at a meeting to be held December 2, 1989, at the Lafayette Club. Some of the Councilmembers indicated that they would be attending. City Manager Ed Shukle reviewed a proposal to call in the 1972 Improvement Bonds which are part of the Capital Improvement Debt Service Fund. He reviewed a memo dated November 21, 1989 from John Norman, Finance Director. Council consensus was to proceed in getting the Improvement Bonds called in. Official action will be taken at the November 28th, regular meeting. City Manager Ed Shukle which will be discussed a subsequent meeting on also distributed the at a public hearing December 5, 1989• 1990 Proposed Budget on November 28th, and 1 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting November 21, 1989 Page 2 There is no Committee of the Whole meeting in December. The next meeting will be held on January 16, 1990. Also discussed was the annual Christmas Party to be held Saturday evening, December 2nd. It was the consensus to invite, in addition to employees, commission members, police reserves, firemen and the LMCD representative. The City Manager is to get those invitations out immediately. Also discussed was the budget for the party. The maximum amount is $500. Upon motion by Johnson, seconded by Jensen, unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, L• ., Ed Shukl e City Manager ES:ls and carried 2